Why do stars perfect skin

Why do stars perfect skin
 Many women are reluctant begin to envy, looking at the covers of glossy magazines. Celebrity Centerfolds and really look at the picture perfectly. One could attribute it to good preparation photographers or designers, but most of the chronicles and casual home snapshots suggest that some stars do have perfect skin. What is their secret?

Most beauticians claim that there are no secrets here. Needs only proper skin care, which, as we know, consists of four stages.

The first step on the path to perfect skin will be its proper cleansing. Pick exactly cleanser that is suitable for you, especially for dry and sensitive skin. Charlize Theron, for example, uses makeup remover baby lotion. This allows you to keep it dry by nature in the skin tone.

Periodically, you can use scrubs or peels to clean the cover of dead skin cells. Since nutrients are better absorbed into the skin. Sophia Loren uses for this cut. She mixes them with cream and then massage movements applied to the face and neck area.

The second step in skin care is toning. Tonics should not contain alcohol, otherwise it can increased activity of the sebaceous glands. Well help to tone the skin with ice cubes. You can make ice from the infusion of herbs or vegetables or fruit juice. Incidentally, one of the secrets of perfect appearance Victoria Beckham - a daily wiping face frozen diced cucumber juice.

Once you have wiped the face tonic, can be applied to a moisturizer. For oily skin fit very light emulsion, but rather needs to dry wetlands. Be sure to choose a cream that contains UV filters. This will reduce the harmful effects of the sun on the skin and permanently retain its youthful appearance. Instead of cream can use essential oil. Uma Thurman, for example, every morning, puts on the face a mixture of olive oil and sage.

The last step in skin care should be her makeup. Remove the remnants of makeup before bedtime, apply on face nourishing cream.

It is worth 2 or 3 times a week to do a variety of masks. The optimal time for them between 17 and 20 hours, that's when they will have the greatest effect. The Internet is lined with a huge number of recipes for facial masks. However, before trying questionable advice carefully review the action components within them. In addition, remember that they are all natural, therefore, may cause an allergic reaction.

Tags: skin, face, star, mask, care