What is the difference black spots from acne

What is the difference black spots from acne
 Adolescence is associated not only with first love and exams, but, unfortunately, the problem of acne. Acne, or acne, makes life and some adults. In order not to run the illness and recover at an early stage, it is necessary to clearly understand its types and methods of treatment.
 For acne typical of education in the form of acne. First of all, they appear in the background of hormonal changes in the body associated with adolescence. At this time, the sebaceous glands are activated and begins vigorously produced subcutaneous fat. Bacteria living on the skin to give a comfortable medium, resulting in the formation of inflammation. They may be of varying severity, with multiple stages of development. Usually young people suffer from acne, that is clogged follicle and acne, or follicle with purulent formations. Fortunately, these forms of acne affect only the superficial layers of the skin and proper treatment will soon pass. At more advanced stages of the disease face and even the body can be covered with cystic inflammation and scarring. The occurrence of acne can also be due to the genetic characteristics of an organism, stress, poor diet, etc.

Most often in areas of greatest activation of the sebaceous glands appear black dots - closed comedones. Basically, their appearance due to improper metabolism, the presence of toxins in the body. Comedones affect the forehead, nose and chin, that is T-shaped zone face. Also, their appearance can affect overreliance makeup. Foundation clog skin without letting it breathe and thereby increasing the destructive action of bacteria. Young girls can advise on opportunities to refrain from excessive use of cosmetics, at least during the warmer months, when the hot sun causes excessive sweating. Moreover, that notorious toxins and wastes through perspiration just and leave our body. Try not to lean on fatty foods and alcohol, which contribute to stress on the liver. Helps the body: eat more fruits and oatmeal, drink plain clean water, especially in the morning. Exercise and be sure to clean the skin with special means several times a day. Removing dead skin from the surface of the particle, you allow it to breathe and updated.

To get rid of acne exist as medicinal and folk remedies, time-tested. All the ingredients for homemade cosmetics can be easily found in the pharmacy and its own refrigerator. Prepare, for example, pine lotion. To make it, mix 100 grams of needles and 25 g of dried chamomile flowers, calendula and plantain leaves. Grind the mixture and pour 500 grams of vodka. Insist in a dark place 7 days, then strain the mixture and pour into a dark glass container. For everyday cleaning wipe the pre-cleansed face this lotion. Get rid of greasy and acne help and cucumber infusion. Mix the grated cucumber and half a glass of vodka. Store in the refrigerator need lotion.

Defeat the disease at an early stage, only observing all the rules in the complex. But it's best to consult a doctor-cosmetician who prescribe the right treatment and help clean the face of nasty pimples and blackheads.

Tags: person means, eel, point, acne, comedo