Washing oatmeal: A simple way to perfect skin

Washing oatmeal: A simple way to perfect skin
 Dozens of expensive bottles: this picture can often be seen on the women's dressing table. However, the effect of their use do not always live up to expectations and the money spent. In this case, it is advisable to refer to the years of proven and incredibly effective skin care - washing oatmeal.
 Health benefits of oatmeal is difficult to overestimate. For many it is the best breakfast. Oatmeal, especially cooked whole grains, perfectly cleanses the blood vessels from cholesterol, saturates the body with nutrients and removes from the bowel toxins. However, not everyone knows that oatmeal at least as effective for skin care. Its action is, without exaggeration, is staggering: washing with this cereal is able to replace several expensive tools.

Oatmeal wash in several ways. Peremel whole grains or oats to flour and pour the state in a separate jar. For a single wash will be enough 1 teaspoon of this powder. Dial the required number on his palm and gently add a little water: as a result you should get a creamy liquid. Spread her face in his hands and gently massage in a circular motion. Then rinse with warm water. You will feel the effect after the first application: skin will be matte, soft and smooth.

Daily washing oatmeal you can combine with the procedure exfoliation. To do this, use the Hercules unmilled cereals. Dial them in his palm and substitute under a stream of water, and then rub it between your palms. The resulting mush massage your face and neck. Softened oatmeal gently remove dead skin cells.

In the first week of washing oatmeal facial rashes are possible. If the situation is not too critical, just pereterpit few days. The fact that this period of cereal "pulls" the dirt from pores. But if the inflammation is too severe, it is necessary to stop the use of oatmeal: you may have idiosyncrasy.

After 1-2 weeks of washing oatmeal you'll notice that the skin became smoother, shrink pores, brightened black dots, improved complexion. This is an inexpensive and useful tool is fully capable to replace the complex beauty care, and you will surely see for yourself.

Tags: leather, cereals, path, grooming, washing