Useful properties of paraffin for skin and nails

Useful properties of paraffin for skin and nails
 Paraffin - a product of the distillation and oil refining. In cosmetology, a special refined paraffin, often with the addition of aromatic and medicinal oils. It is sold in pharmacies and beauty salons.

Paraffin has a very high heat capacity. After it was applied to a portion of the body, the skin underneath begins to warm intensely. Accordingly, opens pores and increases sweating. However, the sweat can not evaporate, so that water is absorbed through the pores in the upper layers of the skin, and toxins that came along with the moisture left on the surface. Thus, there is a deep cleansing of the skin and lymph detoxification.

After cooling, the wax starts to shrink, decreasing in volume. In this case, he smoothes the skin that covers, removing her swelling. After the first session paraffin skin elasticity increases markedly, and fine wrinkles are smoothed out. This effect lasts a week. Paraffin beneficial effect on the condition of nails - they become stronger, less break and exfoliate.

In order to make paraffin mask at home, melt paraffin Medical in a water bath. Take care to spray water does not fall into the pot, where it melts. Prepare for the procedure: Clean the skin scrub and apply a nourishing cream or gel. Before proceeding to the application, check the temperature of the wax.

If you are going to make a mask for hands, dip the brush in the melted paraffin and remove it. When the substance hardens slightly, dip his hand again. Repeat several times. Brush should be covered with a thick layer of wax. Put a plastic bag on his hand, and on top - terry mitten. After half an hour, remove the mitten and the package and remove the wax like a glove - from the wrist to the fingers.

Paraffin legs can be done in the same way.

Application for the face is almost the same, only the first layer of wax put on face gauze mask with slits for eyes and nose. The remaining layers are applied on top of the gauze. Remove paraffin mask must be from the bottom up, from the neck to the forehead.

Once removed the wax, put on a skin moisturizer - it is absorbed very quickly and act will be particularly effective.

Contraindications for paraffin applications are varicose veins, pustular rash, infectious diseases.

Tags: skin, nail, mask, property, cosmetology