Traces of acne - how to get rid of them?

Traces of acne - how to get rid of them?
 Pimples on the face and body - an extremely unpleasant phenomenon. But even worse traces remaining after treatment of acne. Most often they are in the form of spider veins, scars and scars, red spots, which are also in need of treatment. For information deep scars must consult a professional doctor, others can eliminate the effects of acne at home.


To remove stains and small scars from acne use special masks. The most effective of these is considered a mask out of clay. To prepare dissolve in two tablespoons of cold water half a tablespoon of clay. Should form a creamy mass without lumps. Add to this the mass of 3 drops of your favorite essential oil and apply the mixture on your skin for signs of acne. Leave the mask on for 10 minutes, then rinse and moisturize your cream. Just apply a mask 4 at intervals of 2 days. Repeat a course only two weeks later.

Before using public money to eliminate traces of acne Consult with your doctor and check with him contraindications.

For information red spots left on the skin of acne, use a mask of white clay. For the preparation dissolve in water table spoon spoons white clay floor. Mix clay diluted with 2 teaspoons of lemon juice. Dot Apply the paste on the spot and hold about 15 minutes.

A good remedy for acne spots is Cinnamon and honey mask. Take a teaspoon of honey and cinnamon and a good rub together. Apply to mass spots for 20 minutes. Perhaps you will feel a slight tingling sensation is normal. However, if there will be a strong burning, refuse such a mask.

Good bleaching action has cucumber juice. You can use cucumber in any form. For example, imposes on the spot slices of cucumber or cucumber, crushed to a pulp. Keep cucumber on the skin for about 20 minutes.


For the treatment of acne scars after prepare a decoction. Wash and boil in a glass of water a large bunch of parsley. After 2hchasovogo infusion fill the molds for ice and store in the freezer. Wipe scars ice cubes in the mornings and evenings.

Also effective solution of apple cider vinegar. Dilute vinegar with water in a ratio of 1: 3. Wash your face daily with a solution, and traces disappear. In order to eliminate the traces of long-standing or a large number of scars once for 5 minutes Apply the them soaked in this solution a cotton swab.

Tags: stains, marks, means pimple removal