Those pesky pimples!

Those pesky pimples!
 Soft, smooth and velvety skin - this is the dream of every woman? In principle, this is easy to achieve, but there are a few things that afflict women. For example, suddenly appeared a pimple can cause the fair sex even abandon the long-awaited date.

Acne ... One word can cause terror in most girls. This problem is most common. Sometimes the cause of acne are certain foods. If after eating spicy or fatty foods, inflamed pimples even more, you should continue to avoid the use of such dishes.

Sometimes acne is associated with an allergic reaction. Those products are considered for the individual allergens can cause increase in the number of rashes.

Acne can be due to genetic problems with the wrong skin care or be the result of diseases of the epidermis. But still there are some rules following which can prevent the occurrence of these hideous rash.

Cause clogged pores and acne can also be a cosmetic, not washed away in the night - powder or foundation. Therefore, we should make it a rule not to go to bed without a ritual purification of the skin.

To improve circulation and maintaining healthy skin need to drink more fluids. It is better to choose an ordinary clean water without gas or decoctions of herbs. If the body is not enough liquid to act, it will be dewatered. This in turn puts pressure on the skin cells and leads to blockage of pores and hence acne.

Excellent results in the fight against acne give sunbathing. Vitamin D protects the body from infections and normalizes the functioning of absolutely all skin cells.

Skin care products you can buy special anti-acne. Thus better to give preference to those in which the composition contains vitamins. C, E, B6, lavender oil, tea tree oil and primrose. When it is necessary to avoid those that contain Laurin, isopropyl, lanolin, sodium sulfate and red dyes, since they irritate the skin and can be another cause of the lesions.

Tags: pimple reason, the occurrence of