Proper skin care with masks made of clay

Proper skin care with masks made of clay
 Cosmetic clay is effective for skin care, because it contained mineral salts and a variety of trace elements. It can be different: blue, white, red and other. Depending on your type of clay in different ways has a healing effect. And knowing its properties, you can choose the right mask for all skin types.

If you have oily or combination skin, dry it, you can use white clay, it still bears the name of kaolin. In addition, the clay has a lifting effect - aligns oval face, detoxifies.

To make a mask at home, knead in water 30 g of white clay, 20 g of talc, add 1 g of alum. After obtaining a homogeneous slurry apply on face. Wait until the mask dries, it usually takes 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water. Together with clay to remove toxins and dead skin cells.

Blue clay

For the prevention of acne and minor facial wrinkles is useful to make a mask with blue clay. She relieve irritation and inflammation of the skin, slightly lighten it, to make firm and elastic. More suitable as white clay for oily skin.

Try it once a week to do a mask. In 2 tablespoons add a little blue clay mineral water and knead it. Should get a creamy mass. Pour it in a teaspoon of lemon juice and mix again. Make a mask by no more than 15 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Red clay

If the skin is sensitive, help her mask of red clay. It perfectly relieves itching and refreshes the face. Dry and aging skin softens, runs peeling. Dissolve 2 tablespoons clay 2 tablespoons milk for very dry skin can take the cream. Add 2 tsp Aloe juice. Keep the mask on your face for 10 minutes and rinse.

Black clay

This clay is in the first place as a remedy for cellulite. Therefore, it makes the whole body wraps. But also on the skin black clay will have a truly unique effect: get rid of acne, comedones, cleanse the skin of dead skin cells, improve the complexion.

Since black clay has basically peeling effect, that before making a mask rasparte skin - open the sebaceous glands. Then apply a thin layer of diluted clay. When the mask dries out a bit, make a gentle massage with fingertips and wash your face. To cleaned pores narrowed, wipe the skin with a piece of ice can be frozen for this decoction of mint or lemon juice.

Yellow earth

As white, it is suitable for combination and oily skin. Yellow clay detoxifies, eliminating the acne and helps to saturate the skin with oxygen. Dissolve 2 tablespoons clay in the mixture of natural apple cider vinegar, liquid honey and lemon juice, taken in equal amounts (a teaspoon). Should get a creamy paste, if the mass of thick, add water. Apply the mask on your face, you can and neck area. Hold for 15 minutes and rinse.

Green clay

This clay composition is about the how white and blue. It perfectly tightens pores, removing excess fat, helps to restore the water balance of the skin, stimulates circulation. From this improves the complexion, restores the skin due to the lag effect. Mask with green clay is recommended for aging skin to slow down the aging process.

Dissolve 2 tablespoons clay mineral water to a thick slurry, pour a teaspoon of grape seed oil and mix again. Apply the mask on the skin for 10 minutes and rinse with warm water.

Tags: skin, face, red, mask, aid, care, clay