Problem skin: what to do?

Problem skin: what to do?
 The reason that the skin becomes problematic, is in violation of the sebaceous glands. As they occur in the deeper layers of the skin, the use of only creams and lotions applied to the surface, will not be enough. Proper sanitation problem skin will help to normalize the sebaceous glands, causing inflammation to suppress the activity of bacteria, prevent the formation of stagnant spots and scars.

Means to care for problem skin

When a face pops a pimple, a desire to get rid of it as soon as possible and squeeze. But this is often not possible, because stagnant secret can not pass through the narrowed sebaceous gland duct. In addition, squeezing a pimple hated, the skin can carry infection, and after another and leave a scar in its place. At the same time, the need to constantly engage in cleansing oily skin. Average washing with water is not enough, you need lotions, tonics and gels for problem skin. Also useful steam baths, and helps to eliminate blackheads and enhancing the therapeutic effect of the means used.

Do not try to hide the acne under a thick layer of foundation and powder, do not hide their thick fringe. Cosmetics will score the pores and hair hidden under the skin will not breathe, that aggravate the condition.

Becoming the owner of a new lotion or facial scrub, do not rush immediately to handle them skin. First try a new tool on the small portion of the skin, it is desirable not once but, for example, within a week. An allergic reaction may not occur immediately, but after some time.

Please note that not all funds are suitable for frequent use, such relates scrub. Everyday use of this tool will cause mechanical damage that will make your skin irritated and reddened. Use a scrub no more than twice a week.

People with skin problems should only wash with warm water, as hot stimulates the activity of sebaceous glands.

Moisturize skin problem

The conventional wisdom is that if a problem skin in women is very oily, then to solve the problem is simple enough to dry it. However, it is not. Never over-dry skin. Fighting acne using cautery alcohol and washing soap - not the best method. This leads to peeling of the skin and early wrinkles. Even oily skin needs moisture. The creams used for this purpose should not be greasy, but gidrosoderzhaschimi. These tools allow the skin to breathe, it provides the right level of moisture, leaving no greasy and not clogging pores. Also effective mask, for example, clay, protein with the addition of calendula, chamomile, honey. They constrict the pores and cleanse the skin.

Eat right, it is a prerequisite for healthy skin. Its condition adversely affect consumption of fatty and spicy foods. Give up late dinner - the food will not have time to learn that violates digestion and skin condition. Eat more fiber useful: black bread, vegetables, fruits and dairy products.

Care for mature skin problems

Acne often bothers people in middle age, when the first wrinkles. The causes are low immunity, endocrine disorders, and age-thickening of the skin. Acne at this age is concentrated mainly on the cheeks and oval face, which lie coiled thin gland.

Good results in these cases brings mezoimmunokorrektsiya. This method is the use of funds from vitamins, hyaluronic acid, amino acids. The material is received hydration, sustained immunity, improve blood circulation. In addition to fighting acne, problem skin, mezoimmunokorrektsiya is a good way to prevent age-related changes. The skin becomes smooth, fresh and more elastic, so important for people over 30 years.

Problem skin on the back and in the neck

The cause of the inflammation in the skin of the back and in the neck is also increased secretion of the sebaceous glands. This, in turn, is often caused by a hormonal imbalance, impaired skin exfoliating flakes. Normally, dead cells should flake. But if the composition of sebum changes, scales, gluing together, clog the sebaceous ducts.

Sometimes, for improving the skin in these areas is sufficient to change the power. It is necessary to abandon the foods rich in trans fats (sunflower seeds, chips, nuts, donuts, etc.); try not to use products that improve blood sugar (corn, pastries, white bread, potatoes); Avoid canned and smoked. Include in the diet of fruits, vegetables, lean meat and fish, replace the frying cooking on the grill for a couple.

Tags: cleansing, moisturizing, skin care