Fight age spots is difficult, if only because they are often caused by certain diseases. So before you start the fight with a pronounced pigmentation, you need to check the status of their health. Maybe it's in some disease, and eliminate the source of the problem with pigment spots will dissolve by itself.
The sudden appearance of age spots may indicate liver disease, disorders of the nervous system. Sometimes dark spots appear in people who are in their professional activities related to the coloring chemicals (carbon black, graphite). Very often excessive pigmentation observed during pregnancy.
Lack of folic acid in the body can also trigger the appearance of age spots. In this case it is necessary to normalize balance taking vitamins with folic acid as well as its better assimilation eat cabbage and spinach. A special role in the fight against age spots is given vitamin C, which in large quantities found in oranges and lemons.
Sunlight greatly affects the condition of the skin, and, therefore, may contribute to the appearance of dark spots. And more in the sun, the clearer and brighter spots are. Therefore, people suffering from excessive pigmentation, it is better to avoid direct sunlight and have to use special protective oil with UV filters that protect the skin.
In addition to these preventive methods, it is necessary to use bleaching creams and masks. Better to make your own mask of camphor alcohol, lemon or grapefruit. Such procedure is best done at night. The cause of pigmented spots may be of poor quality cosmetics, such as soap, cream, or something else. Therefore it is very important to properly care for their skin and not to save on cosmetics.