Melanoma refers to a malignant disease of the skin. Recently seen a clear increase in the number of people who are diagnosed with this pathology.
Melanoma most often occurs on the trunk and lower limbs of men women with white skin, although this type of cancer can be subjected to all people, regardless of color. However, studies show that people who have more than a dark skin type, suffering from melanoma is much rarer.
Melanoma can occur anywhere on the skin, including the mucous membranes, and internal organs.
In order to identify melanoma at an early stage, it is necessary to know its characteristic features. This is especially important for those people on the body where there are large birthmarks.
If your body were some spots of irregular shape, the skin scaly, itchy, oozing a place or redness, you should consult a dermatologist.
If you notice that there are moles on your body changed, it is an urgent reason for seeking medical attention. You should be alerted if a mole somehow changed, became inhomogeneous color (yellow-brown, with black, red, white or bluish patches), changed the shape of (the rise moles, it has become asymmetric, acquired rough jagged edges or she became "blur" the boundary), the diameter (usually, melanomas are not less than 5 mm). If the skin around the mole has changed, it is also an occasion to see a doctor. Especially worth visiting specialist, if the mole beginning ulcerate and bleed. You may also experience symptoms such as burning, soreness, or itching at the site of moles.
When any of the above symptoms, as soon as possible to visit a dermatologist and oncologist. The specialist will examine your mole and, if necessary, appoint all the necessary tests and examinations, which will help to identify the process at an early stage and start treatment.