How to treat corns on the feet

How to treat corns on the feet
 Corns deliver strong discomfort - walking trouble spots hurt, sometimes burning is unbearable. Treat corns on the feet can be at home, using the available means. The main objective - the removal of the stratum corneum of the skin.

Use ready-made products and patches. Corn plasters and creams with salicylic acid helps to soften the dense skin layer which can be easily removed. Usually quite a few regular applications at night to get rid of corns. Softening the skin with a pumice stone to remove and lubricate the skin nourishing cream. The advantage of this method is the simultaneous disinfection and prevention of inflammation due contained in herbal extracts.

Attach a bow. Treat corns on the feet can be onions - evening rasparte legs and place the chopped onion on the problem areas. Legs wrap polyethylene, creating a greenhouse effect, and secure the bandage bandage and socks. In the morning, remove the bandage and remove the soft skin. Legs sprinkle talcum powder.

Make a mask of tomato paste. Apply for steamed sole tomato paste, polyethylene Wrap feet and put socks. Leave the paste on your feet at night. In the morning, gently remove the softened skin.

Take advantage of propolis. Fresh propolis should be on corns during the day - crushed granules attach the morning, evening and again poparte legs attach propolis. Continue the procedure for a week.

Do foot bath. Mix equal parts baking soda, ammonia and planed soap. Dissolve the mixture in warm water bath and receive leg for half an hour. Add cold water tablespoon salt take procedure within 20 minutes. Prepare serum sour milk. Dip your feet in the hot liquid for half an hour. Soft skin, remove pumice or brush for heels.

Apply oil compresses. Vegetable oil, lubricate the foot, leg wrap up well for a few hours. Remove the wrap, Wash the legs and remove the soft skin. Do not forget to choose the right shoes and orthotics, if necessary.

Tags: skin, corns, foot pumice