How to remove scar after cesarean

How to remove scar after cesarean
 The appearance of a baby in your family was a real happiness, which is definitely worth all the effort. That's just the only trouble - scar after cesarean section - a bit clouded your joy. Have a scar on the body wants a little, but you can make it less noticeable or try to remove it completely.
 In order to make the scars after cesarean less visible, today there are many special medical programs: mesotherapy, laser resurfacing, chemical peels, microdermabrasion, and as the most radical way, plastic surgery (skin grafts, or method of excision of the scar).

Laser resurfacing - very effective, but not the most pleasant method of getting rid of scars. The essence of this procedure is that the laser device very carefully, layer by layer, removes tissue from the surface of the scar. To achieve the desired result, you will need at least 3-4 treatments and about one and a half months for a full recovery of tissues. In addition, you should know that you have to take a course of antibiotics and drugs that improve blood circulation. It is necessary to place on the scar not started festering, various inflammation.

More gentle method compared with laser resurfacing is microdermabrasion, which is a grinding tissue alumina. Of a special unit to direct the flow area of ​​the scar tiny particles of aluminum. Thanks to their special form of Cornerstone, and certain force of impact and the calculation of the angle starts to happen exfoliating. Each session lasts for half an hour, the rate of mesotherapy usually about eight procedures interval between which - 7-10 days. The procedure is virtually painless and does not cause noticeable discomfort. Additionally, microdermabrasion effect occurs when light massage, giving their additional benefits: improved blood circulation, stimulates the metabolism and the formation of new skin fibers. After microdermabrasion is not recommended to use chemical cosmetics and be exposed to direct sunlight.

Chemical peels are also copes with the problem of scarring. It consists of several main stages: first, the procedure is carried out by means of superficial peeling fruit acids, and after - the chemical using special chemicals. After a course of chemical peel scar significantly reduced in size, and the skin becomes more elastic and smooth.

If you decide to plastic surgery, and the size of your scar after cesarean section is not very large in width, and the surrounding skin is quite thin and flexible, you'll like the method of excision of the scar. In this case, the surgery is performed under local anesthesia, the scar itself is cut, its walls are raised, the vessels "welded" and closed with stitches. After this procedure the seam becomes less noticeable, and eventually almost completely absorbed.

Tags: Ambassador, scar, scar-section, cesarean