How to get rid of warts and moles

How to get rid of warts and moles
 If the convex mole or papilloma causes inconvenience constantly injured, it is better to remove. But before that it is necessary to consult a doctor. Sometimes benign skin lesions can regenerate over time into a malignant tumor.
 Papilloma - a skin growths on the leg, often bleeding and a lot of inconvenience. This viral disease is not a serious health threat, but a permanent injury papillomas may lead to degeneration. Therefore, doctors recommend to remove them properly. It should be understood that the removal does not mean getting rid of the infection. From time to time there may be a new education.

It is not necessary to self-medicate, to dress papillomas and moles thread, trying to pull or cut them. If it really wants to feel like a doctor, pharmacy buy the juice of celandine and lubricate them with education.

Papillomas and moles removed under local anesthesia. Duration of the procedure is 5-30 minutes, depending on the method. Chemical methods involves removing formations using chemicals. Physical methods - is electrocoagulation, laser ablation, cryoablation, radiosurgery.

The most common way - electrocoagulation. Neoplasm is removed from the skin using a high frequency electric current. From exposure temperature increases and tissues get damaged. Bloodless procedure, but sensitive. The wound does not heal - it is minus electrocautery procedures.

Cryodestruction also quite popular. On a mole or papilloma affect liquid nitrogen. The method is painless, but not always effective. The recovery period after the procedure is also quite long.

Considered the most optimal method of laser therapy. He is the impact on the formation of cutaneous laser surgery. Its beam penetrates and sealed blood vessels feeding papilloma or birthmark. After 6-8 days, it withers and falls away. After this procedure, almost no complications, the adjacent areas are not damaged, do not leave marks and scars.

Radiosurgical method is to remove the papilloma energy of high frequency radio waves. Removal is performed with local anesthesia. During the procedure radionozh makes cutting nevus, stops bleeding and disinfects the wound.

The oldest method - Surgical, now it is hardly ever used. Indication for it can only be a very large birthmark.

After removal of moles or papilloma need to strictly follow the doctor's recommendations for skin care. This will lead to faster healing of wounds and help prevent scar formation. Be sure to turn in excised tissue for histological analysis to be sure of the origin of benign neoplasms.

Tags: means wart, papilloma, birthmarks