How to get rid of the dryness of hands

How to get rid of the dryness of hands
 Female hands dedicate poems written about them a lot of good words. It is in women's hands go to the care of the house. We have to perform many important and necessary things, and as a result the skin on them dries, becomes thin, aging hands and over the years more and more give the true age of the woman. How should care for their hands to keep the skin young?
 Skin fatigue hands often manifested dryness, which in turn leads to premature aging and sagging. Hands require constant nursing care. And not just apply to them at night cream, you need to make regular masks, rubbing and massages, baths and compresses. This procedure does not take much time, but their effect will be visible very soon.

With dry skin copes well with the bath water and oil: in the heated water, add three tablespoons of vegetable oil. Olive better, it has more vitamins, but you can use sunflower and linseed. Next you need to give up in the water for fifteen minutes. Then wipe them dry, brush with cream and allow to relax a bit.

Since ancient times, potato broth is considered an excellent remedy for dry hands when the family cook mashed potatoes, do not drain the starch water, let it cool down a bit and immerse the hands of minutes on the quarter hour after wipe dry and apply a moisturizer.

On your hands have a positive impact basins on the basis of glycerol. In the heated water, add one tablespoon of glycerin, then a tablespoon of ammonia. Hold hand in the resulting solution for 15 minutes. Wipe dry, and as glycerol itself perfectly moisturizes the skin, the cream is no longer lubricated.

Old and proven remedy moisturizing hand and the saturation of the skin with nutrients, is the juice from sauerkraut. Just rub it into the skin, it is desirable to do the procedure at night.

For moisturizing the skin of hands is perfect banana mask. Vitamins contained in banana well affect the skin. Mash a ripe banana, add a few drops of olive oil. The mixture was stirred and the resulting mass is a little warm up on low heat. Warm mush apply on hands for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.

Useful for aging skin hand yolk mask. Rub the skin overnight mixture of egg yolk, a teaspoon of oatmeal and a tablespoon of honey. Wear gloves made of natural fabrics. In the morning, your skin will be noticeably softer.

Tags: skin, hand, mask, care, dry, moisturizing