How to get rid of Stretch marks

How to get rid of Stretch marks
 According to statistics, stretch marks (striae) after pregnancy faces nearly 70% of women. They can appear on the skin of the abdomen, chest, thighs. Usually stretch deliver its owners of mass grief, as often different even in color, which makes them particularly noticeable.  
 Get rid of stretch marks is almost impossible: all available in the arsenal of modern cosmetology tools allow only make them less severe. Therefore it is necessary to take care of to avoid the appearance of stretch marks. To this end, throughout pregnancy, since its first months, should be rubbed into the skin of the abdomen, thighs and breasts special cream - funds from the stretch produced by many well-known companies (Avent, Chicco, Vichy et al.). In addition, experts recommend wearing a brace, he will not only reduce the load on the spine, but also to avoid sagging abdominal skin. Good effect washing of the chest, abdomen and thighs with cool (not cold) water and wipe them with a rough towel: these simple manipulation will make the skin more elastic.

If stretch marks still there, make them less noticeable daily massage helps with cosmetic oils - their regular use helps to regenerate skin. The best effect is given avocado oil, citrus, almonds, wheat germ. Almond oil is recommended for use as a basis: five of its parts are added one part of any of the above oil (preferably their alternate), slightly warmed mixture in a water bath and rub in a circular motion with light stretching. This is particularly effective way for the breast skin, as it is more delicate and susceptible to external influences. If stretch marks are different from the rest of the skin color can be a little sunbathing - they will become less noticeable.

Very effective against stretch marks cream with mummy. To make this cosmetic product to dissolve 3.4 grams mummy in 1 tsp. Of water and rub with 100 grams of the usual children's cream on fat basis. Homemade cream should be transferred in an opaque jar and store in refrigerator. Use this tool every day, better - after a contrast shower. This cream helps to almost completely get rid of existing stretch marks and prevent the emergence of new ones.

If you get rid of stretch marks on their own you did not succeed, it makes sense to resort to laser skin resurfacing: it will certainly help to make them less severe.

Tags: skin stretching