How to get rid of red birthmarks

How to get rid of red birthmarks
 Moles on the body is almost all people. With the location and number of the people associated mass will. But sometimes moles on the body can bring trouble to its owner. Especially those markings which protrude above the skin surface, the fold areas are. In general, where they could damage mechanically.
 There are also so-called red birthmarks, which are benign tumors. This is the name they have received through the color. As they may appear at birth and during life. At the fair sex red birthmarks occur most often on the chest, and men - on the nose or near it. Dimensions of red moles are different: from a small speck to spot several centimeters in size.

Red birthmarks are distinguished by type. There is capillary (simple) - they range in color from pink to purple. These moles may be smooth or slightly protrude from the skin. The second type - the cavernous (erectile) with color from purple to cherry. When pressed, this type of formations easily fades and falls. Red birthmark that struck the entire limb, called angimatoz.

Similar formations may be located not only on the skin but also on the mucous membranes and internal organs. It is located on the internal organs red birthmark and can be life-threatening, but only if you violate the normal functioning of organs. You should also consult a doctor if the red birthmark began to appear in large numbers.

As a rule, the majority of moles on the body do not bring inconvenience to the owner. Much more often on their removal are solved for cosmetic purposes. Remove moles on the face and where possible traumatic injury.
This procedure should be done in a medical facility. And it should only be a physician specialty - Dermatooncology. After the removal of a mole should compulsorily sent for histological examination. Perhaps a laser or scalpel procedures. The choice of method depends on the purposes of disposal.

Also, care must be taken to accidental damage birthmarks. If it came off completely, it is necessary to transfer the doctors for research. In the case where the mole injured part, must also apply to physicians who correctly remove the affected education.

In no case can not remove moles on their own and seek the help of various healers!

Tags: face, red, mole removal, body, red, red