How to get rid of calluses and corns

How to get rid of calluses and corns
 Calluses, corns are formed as a result of wearing uncomfortable shoes. Yes, the shoes can be insidious. The fact that the store is ideally sitting on the foot, can be a real "Spanish boots" at the first campaign to work or some other place. The problem of corns and calluses long haunts humanity, and it has learned enough to successfully fight with her.
 Rough patches of dry chapped skin, wet and dry corn - it all looks out of place in the elegant feet, brings discomfort, discomfort. The main cause of corns and calluses is the wrong choice of footwear. And, therefore, it is best to start with the discharge traumatic foot pair of shoes on the trash.

Once you get rid of rubs shoes, go to the store for a new pair. Try to choose shoes of soft natural material, with no protruding seams and precise dimensions. Purchase shoes half a size smaller or larger unacceptable and bodily injury.

Now comes the turn of the corn. It is known that it is wet (blisters filled with fluid) and dry - "entrenched". If the bubble is large, it needs to be processed immediately and pierce any antiseptic - the hydrogen peroxide solution hlorgeskidina. After that, you must seal the wound with antibacterial adhesive, which should be changed regularly, repeating the antibiotic treatment of damaged skin.

Inveterate corn are best removed with special tools for this purpose. Traditional medicine recommends getting rid of calluses by onion peel. For this onion peel should pour vinegar and natural soak 14 days. After two weeks, the husk must be applied on corn and a layer of 1-2 mm primotat bandage. Procedure should be repeated for several days before the disappearance of corn.

Instead soaked husks can use lemon peel with a thin layer of lemon pulp or normal fresh figs. Lemon or berry applied at night to pre-steamed corn and entrenched pribintovyvayut. After one day, the procedure is repeated. And so on until the complete disappearance of corn.

From corns well help foot baths with a decoction of herbs, essential oils and sea salt. After steaming rough skin easily scraped off with a pumice stone or a special device to remove corns.

Tags: corns, removal, dry, treatment