Replace conventional liquid soap. Hand washing gel has a sparing effect when cleaning the skin. As we wash hands more often than the face, this aspect can not be ignored. Solid soap breaks your skin's natural defenses and destabilizes its ph-balance, causing excessive dryness. But winter skin and so suffer from it. Liquid soap does not have the side effects, so it is ideal for use in the cold season.
Scrubs for hand use no more than once a month. Winter skin refreshed much slower so the use of scrub once a week, or more often fraught with problems. Frequent exfoliation winter contributes to the appearance mikrotreschinok and chapped areas. Therefore, temporarily stop zealous with exfoliation of dead skin cells.
Replace nourishing moisturizer. Summer skin needs moisture, and you provide her proper care. However, now it needs constant fueling and nutrients. Buy a nourishing cream-based glycerin and vitamins A and C. With their help, the skin will become soft and tender that will prevent premature aging.
Good effect will mask that is easy to prepare at home. For dry skin, hands fit this mask, one boiled potato mash with a spoon, add a couple tablespoons of sour cream and a few drops of olive oil. Mix thoroughly and put on clean skin. Rinse with warm water after 15 minutes. Repeat this mask must be 2-3 times a week. After she put on a little hand nourishing cream.