How to bring a bruise

How to bring a bruise
 Bruise - "acquisition" as unpleasant as often. Regardless of the chain of events that led to his appearance, people want as quickly as possible to get rid of. Help to bring bruise proven and reliable ways.
 Try as soon as possible after the bounce, injury, when the bruise has not yet manifested itself, attach to the affected area with cold. It is best to ice, but the fit and a bandage soaked in cold water, and metal objects. Due to the cold damaged vessels narrowed, and the amount of blood under the skin penetration drops significantly.

If prevent bruising failed and it appeared, about the cold should forget and seek the assistance of heat. Microcirculation under its influence is activated, and a bruise quickly resolved. Attach a hematoma warmer, cotton bag, filled with heated salt or flax seed. Make oil compress: a piece of gauze soaked in any oil, put on the injured area, top - cellophane or film, fix bandage or handkerchief. Cover the top with a warm blanket or scarf. Leave for an hour and a half.

Instead of a warm compress can fix bruises warming pepper patch (not used in the case of the location of a bruise in the eye).

Buy at the pharmacy bodyagi (or badyagu). Use the instructions. Typically, cocoa powder is diluted with water or a vegetable oil and an alcohol is applied for 20-30 minutes directly on the bruise. Means harmless. If the hematoma is located at a place where it is convenient to fix the bandage, you can leave a compress of concoctions for an hour and a half, after which the change agent for fresh.

With extreme caution bodyagi use on the face - in contact with mucous membranes it causes irritation.

Ask the pharmacy ointment, cream or gel for the resorption of hematomas. You may be advised to buy Troxevasin, Lioton, ambulance from bruises, bruises, OFF, Arnica and others. You can ask cream, which includes routines - vitamin E, heparin, fresh-water sponge, chestnut extract, Hirudin (leech saliva).

Make a right on the bruise iodine mesh. Grab the zone of 1-2 cm around the bruise. Once the mesh starts to fade paint on it.

If you have plenty of fresh cabbage, cabbage leaf attach to bruise pre crumpled so that made the juice. Render first aid and marigold flowers (Calendula) shalt them into mush and attach to a bluish spot. Help also leaves his mother and stepmother, burdock and birch leaves. Simply apply it to the affected area.

Take raw potatoes, wash and wipe it on a grater directly in the skin. Put the pulp and bruise on hold for 10 minutes. Then replace it with a fresh batch. Repeat several times. If you can not rub the potatoes, just cut it into slices and apply to bruise.

If the bruise is on the bend and you are experiencing pain with every movement, brew a strong tea, let it brew for 15-20 minutes, and it moistened cloth or cotton pad, apply to bruise.

If bruises - a common phenomenon for you, even if they arise from not strong touch, so you have a very thin vessels. Take at least 500 mg of vitamin C per day.

Tags: bruising, hematoma