How to achieve the perfect color

How to achieve the perfect color
 Negative factors destroy skin cells that leads to an unhealthy appearance. Restore complexion and restore former beauty, you can, if you regularly take care of themselves and to carry out a number of cosmetic procedures in the home.
 Healthy lifestyle - the key to the perfect color. Appearance depends on what a person eats, so totally abstain from harmful products, especially from semi-finished products and smoked products. Vary your diet with fresh seasonal fruits and vegetables. Also take vitamin complexes, of which consists of folic acid and zinc.

Walk in the fresh air and periodically get out away from the city to enrich the skin cells with oxygen. Especially good effect walks in coniferous forest is not only the appearance, but also on health. Try to lead an active life. Do not interfere, and sports.

Use a scrub at least once a week - it will stimulate cell renewal and to remove old layers of epithelial tissue, which gives a grayish hue. Periodically, use crushed sea salt, which is applied by massage movements to moistened face.

Improves complexion and honey mask. Mix honey with low-fat cream or sour cream in equal proportions, mix and apply on face. After 10 minutes, wash with cool water and apply moisturizer. Procedure can be carried out in a day or less frequently - is at your discretion.

Mash strawberries or raspberries, add a tablespoon of oatmeal and a little milk. The mask should be applied to the cleaned from cosmetics face and leave for 25 minutes. Already after the first use you will notice obvious improvements - the person becomes fresh and healthy.

If you do not want to use different masks homemade, look for those that are sold in stores. It is advisable to use cosmetics with natural extracts, oils and antioxidant additives. With regular skin care face acquire the perfect color and healthy appearance.

Tags: skin, face, color, tone