How much can a solarium

How much can a solarium
 Nothing could be nicer than to be the owner of a light and attractive golden tan all year round. Solarium - a great way to get a tan in a relatively short period of time, and prepare your skin for the sun baths constant during the holidays. But solarium to the mind, to avoid burns or far more unpleasant moments. So, how and how much you can sunbathe in the solarium?

What is the use tanning? Firstly, an ultraviolet helps to synthesize vitamin D, which is very useful for the skin and improves blood circulation and bones. Solarium - a great assistant skin with acne and a rough skin. Also, a preliminary light tan in the tanning bed helps prevent burns on the "real" sun.
The maximum allowable time you can spend in the tanning bed, very individual. If you - fair-skinned blonde, you will never stay in the tanning bed for more than 10 minutes. Maximum same time, even for a pretty dark-skinned brunettes from nature - 20 minutes.

Before the first sunbathing good moisturize and apply sunscreen on her or sprays very carefully, especially if you are a long time does not light up at all. Sun protection factor should be at least 15, even despite the fact that the time spent in the tanning bed during the first visit, a rather short. Tan first few times of 3-5 minutes is necessary, not more. Then, for a longer time in the cab to 7 minutes, then only - to 10, and so on. Hurrying to buy as much as possible rich tan, you run the risk of burns, nasty rash or skin peeling off that incredibly long time to recover. About a nice tan will be forgotten, so please be patient.

You can help your skin tan faster and smoother if you use special gels and compositions accelerating tan. They are sold directly in the salons and tanning studio. But keep in mind - most of their sun protection factor is pretty low, and it is necessary to use additional protection! It is also very effective and useful technique - before every sunbath drinking a glass of fresh carrot juice, it will accelerate the manifestation of the Sun due to carotene.

Tags: time, solarium