Fraxel (Fraxel), And in other words, fractional photothermolysis, is a relatively new procedure for rejuvenation and treatment of skin. The principle of operation of the laser systemFraxel based on the fact that under the influence of laser beams damaged skin cells are removed, and in their place are new, young.
Several procedures make the skin taut, elastic return freshness and a radiant face, improves the oval shape and clarity. Remove excess age pigmentation, fine wrinkles, scars on the skin (which did not yield even grinding), vascular network promises new technology Fraxel.
This procedure will also help and those who are concerned about mikrovospaleny traces on the skin (acne), dark spots and holes left after acne.
Quite effective technologyFraxel and for skin rejuvenation of the body. For example, hands after handling fractional laser look younger, lighter pigmentation spots. Fraxel is often used to remove stretch marks.
Fractional photothermolysis is carried out using a special apparatus. Typically, the course consists of 4-6 sessions, which are held at intervals of 21-28 days.
The number of procedures is usually determined by the physician, based on the problems, objectives and condition of your skin. Complete healing after the last treatment is determined by your individual characteristics, but usually does not exceed 3 months.
And Fraxel Laser Skin Resurfacing
I specifically included this item in its story of fractional photothermolysis. The fact that women are often confused withFraxel Laser skin resurfacing. This is not surprising, because in both cases the procedure involved in laser, and indications for use are similar. However, there are differences, of which you will find useful.
Unlike laser resurfacing, which is removed when the entire top layer of the skin when exposed toFraxel the old skin is removed in small areas. What is it? After laser resurfacing skin grows again, that gives it a youthful appearance. After fractional photothermolysis skin starts to regenerate remote areas due to those that remained intact. This is made possible due to the fact that such exposure stimulates the production of collagen in the skin.
Hence smaller injuries and reducing the duration of the recovery period. For example, after polishing skin is covered with a solid crust, which is not very nice, which then goes for 10 days and requires special care during this period. AfterFraxel slight peeling is observed in certain areas, which is much faster. Discomfort in the form of itching and burning small disappear after a few hours after the procedure.
In laser resurfacing, there is one significant limitation: it can not be carried out in the summer, as exposure to the sun can make new skin spotty. With fractional photothermolysis such trouble is practically impossible. Although, doctors warn about the undesirability substitute face full sun in both cases.
Laser resurfacing may be a surprise in the form of differences in skin color in some areas. For example, the skin around the eyes, which are not treated, will be markedly different from the rest.Fraxel excludes such effects.
Generally speaking, the two procedures can be combined. For example, a more rigid grinding to spend on the most problematic areas, and for Fraxel leave the place where the signs of aging is less pronounced.
Different, of course, and the course of the procedures and duration of the effect, which provide these two methods.
So forFraxel recommended 3-6 treatments. In this case, the skin look younger by 5 years, and the effect will last up to 3 years.
Laser resurfacing - single procedure and its result will be a person who immediately rejuvenated years to 10. The results will also be stored for 8-10 years.
Fraxel: contraindications
As with any procedure,Fraxel has some contraindications.
Inflammation and infectious diseases of the skin in the affected area of the laser, as well as some skin diseases (eg, psoriasis) and malignant tumors can serve as a pretext to abandon the fractional photothermolysis. When the disease epilepsy is not recommended for this procedure. If you have any allergies, tell your doctor at the first consultation. In pregnancy, or a recent chemical peels, should be deferred procedure on time.
Fraxel: reviews
Reviews of fractional thermolysis procedure mainly positive, and praise its patients of all ages and with a variety of problems. Particularly pleased with those who for a long time could not get rid of dimples and dark spots after acne treatment. They note that the complexion visibly aligned after the first session, and pits are markedly less deep.
A lot of appreciative comments receivedFraxel from patients who tried unsuccessfully to cope with post-operative and traumatic scars.
In the opinion of the patients,
Fraxel - Perhaps the only effective procedure for removing stretch marks. But here it is worth to note that, again, from the reviews, fresh (red) striae are treated effectively, and chronic (pale) especially do not change.
At the end I want to remind that before deciding on any major procedure, you need to carefully choose the place and the specialist who will engage you. Also do not forget to carry out all the doctor's recommendation for skin care after the procedure.
Alexander Panyutin
Women's magazine JustLady