Causes of acne

Causes of acne
 Usually, acne vulgaris appear in young people during puberty active. Of course, this cosmetic defect brings young creatures a lot of trouble and even psychological problems.

"Nature" unpleasant acne
Acne mainly poured on the face, chest, back. They appear as a result of too high sebum: there actinic skin and subsequent blockage of sebaceous glands plugs. In these places there are unpleasant acne. Horny plugs obstruct the ducts of the sebaceous glands, and if there also becomes infected, it develops on the skin pimple-abscess. A few days later pus comes out and begins to heal a pimple. However, if the abscess was too large, it is quite possible that the skin will remain an ugly scar.

Also often on the skin there is another kind of acne - acne spherical. These eels are very deep in the skin or subcutaneous tissue. From this pus eel can not as easily come out, so the infection can spread to tissues. These spots may merge with each other.

Why do I get acne
Acne appears due to increased keratinization of the skin. In turn, high cornification occurs due to the lack of vitamins in the body adolescents A and B2. However, some experts argue that the "overdose" of vitamins B6 and B12 can also be a cause of teenage acne. On the skin of young people directly affected by an unhealthy diet, as well as abnormal functioning of the endocrine glands. Because of eating disorders develop diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, and this - a direct path to acne.

The sebaceous glands are working very actively in people with excess androgens - male sex hormones. Acne can appear as a result of receiving a cancellation contraceptive hormonal preparations. Some women experience a worsening of acne in just a few days before menstruation. Also trigger acne can taking certain medications. And if a person's blood glucose level is increased, the pimples and make themselves known.

Among the factors that aggravate acne, doctors also release stress. Directly to the state of stress does not lead to acne. But nervousness can cause a person more likely to desire to touch acne, and the consequence of this will be unpleasant sores on the skin. It is important to take into account family history of the problem: acne popping those teens whose parents at the time, too, suffer with acne.

Tags: acne, pimple, appearance, glucose, reason