To become pure leather back and pimples and inflammation are gone, needs a sound approach to its purification. To achieve smooth, replace ordinary soap special medical gel. Will help you with a means of triclosan or tea tree essential oil (it kills 98% of germs that provoke acne). However, if you have dry or sensitive skin, alternate this with a moisturizing gel - or only aggravate the situation.
Step 2. The best assistant in the fight for clean skin back - bath or sauna.
At least once a week visit the bath - the only way you can quickly achieve the desired result. No agent or procedure does not help you to open and clean the pores so deeply as the effect of steam on the upper layers of the epidermis. After 15 minutes in a bath of any means for combating inflammations on the back becomes more efficient.
Step 3. Perfect skin back is impossible without exfoliation.
Regular exfoliation of dead skin cells to accelerate the process of regeneration and repair the skin. Pick a special scrub for oily skin of the body. Have to use it two or three times a week to cleanse your skin as quickly as possible. Massage the skin during water treatment with a sponge, so you will increase the efficiency of the means.
Step 4: After a shower and a bath, use an anti-inflammatory lotion or cream.
The final stage of problematic skin back will be applying a remedy. Usually they are produced in the form of lotions, creams and serums. After the procedure, deep cleansing antibacterial agent is better absorbed and dries pimples. Apply them daily, pre-soaked wet after a shower with a towel. Rub the cream intense massaging and patting movements for 1-2 minutes.