1. Vegetable refreshing mask suitable for all skin types. Rub on a small grater any vegetables (zucchini, eggplant, cabbage, beets, etc.). Mush apply on face and neck. Hold for 20 minutes. Rinse with warm water.
2. Masks of carrots: Carrots (juice or paste) mixed with starch. Purifies oily skin, it is recommended to put on 15 minutes.
3. Mask of eggplant good use for moisturizing the skin. Cut into thin strips vegetables are superimposed on the face (except the eye area), from top to hide behind the cloth or gauze. After 10 minutes, remove the strip and rinse face with milk or mineral water.
4. Cabbage leaf has wound-healing and cleansing effect. For cuts, scratches, minor wounds wrapped in cabbage leaves damaged area. Juice from fresh cabbage or mush out of it is applied to the face for 20 minutes in the treatment of rosacea.
5. The mask of cabbage: gruel of cabbage, passed through a meat grinder, put on the face for 20 minutes, washing with water at room temperature. Used for cleaning, moisturizing and nourishing dry and normal skin.
6. Mask of potatoes: one medium potato tuber boil with the peel, cut in half and when he comes back to the pleasant heat applied to the swelling under the eyes. Mask to take lying down for 30-40 minutes. Ideal for oily skin.
And domask of grated raw potatoes. This mask is especially recommended for dry and flaky skin prone to irritation and inflammation.
7. The mask of beet:fresh beets grate. K 1 hour. L. beet pulp add 1 ch. l. cream and 1 hour. L. yolk. Impose a mask for 20-30 minutes, then rinse with warm water. Suitable for all skin types.
Similarly, preparing mask slurry cucumber, tomatoes, which are also recommended for all skin types.
8.Furthermore,tomato can be used as an excellent vegetable peels. Tomato juice contains a large amount of organic acids that dissolve the upper horny layer of the skin, thus giving a chance to breathe, grow and develop new young skin.
Mask of tomato: slices of tomato or fresh juice apply on face for 25-30 minutes. Rinse off with warm, then cold water. Recommended for oily skin sallow with large pores.
9. Soothe irritated skinMask of parsley juice or decoction of its finely chopped leaves and roots.
10. The mask of celery - Nourishing, cleansing, ideal for dry or normal skin: 2 medium celery stalks, 1 ch. L. walnut oil, 1 ch. l. cream, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. Celery stalks rub on a fine grater (take it stalks celery root hard and it takes a lot of preparation time), add the flour, butter and cream - all mix, apply on face for 15-20 minutes. Rinse with water.
11. For power, strengthening and improvement of oily skin twice a week to domask from the leaves of sorrel. Take 3-5 leaves of plants, cut them into small pieces with a knife, mash with a wooden spoon or the handle of a knife, mix with two tablespoons of low-fat cottage cheese. Apply the mask on for 20 minutes, then remove the paper towel and wipe the face with sour milk.
12. Refreshing cucumber mask:Whip egg whites to a state of strong foam, mixed with two tablespoons of fresh cucumber, grated. The foam is applied to clean skin (face, neck and part of the breast), a lot of paper covered with a layer of cotton wool to foam dripping. Duration of the mask - 20 minutes.
13. The mask of iceberg lettuce: lettuce finely chopped, mixed and rubbed with olive oil and a teaspoon of lemon juice. Mixture for 20 minutes applied to the face, then remove with a cotton swab and wash the face with warm, then cold water. This mask refreshes callous, dry, aging skin.
14. Nourishing Mask of zucchini for the face and neck: raw zucchini cut long thin strips and put them on a refined from cosmetics face and neck. After 20 minutes, remove the strip and rinse face unboiled milk.
15. If you mix the shredded on a graterzucchini (2 tablespoons) with steamed and pounded porridge (1 tablespoon), get a nice mask for oily skin. The mask not only removes excess sebum, but eliminate contamination.
16. Rejuvenating Mask of sweet pepper: 1 fleshy peppers, 1 ch. L. milk for 1 hour. L. honey, 1 tbsp. l. oatmeal. Pepper rub on a fine grater (or use a blender), add milk, honey and oatmeal. All mix well. A thick mask or liquid, depending on the consistency of honey (the mask may be applied to the liquid with a cotton swab). Leave on for 15-20 minutes and rinse with warm water.
17. The mask of onions: fruit juice mixed with honey in the ratio 1: 1 or 2: 1 and apply on pigmented skin for 15-20 minutes. Remove the mask first wet, then dry swab. For oily skin onion juice can be mixed with vinegar in equal proportions. This cloth dampened mixture placed on the skin for 15 minutes.
18. The mask of beans: beans (1 cup), soak for several hours in water, then cook in a little water until it becomes soft. Boiled beans, wipe, add the lemon juice. This mask nourishes and smoothing effect.
19. Tonic mask of green peas: 1 tablespoon canned crushed peas mixed with egg yolk, 2 teaspoons of night cream. Mask is applied a thick layer on the face and neck for 15-20 minutes, then wash off with warm water.