Corns are caused by wearing tight, tight and uncomfortable shoes can stay on your feet for years. Also they are formed due to the uneven distribution of weight in the sole of the shoe. For example, in women who prefer to wear shoes with high heels, corns appear at the base of the fingers. Since corns do not affect the deeper layers of the skin and does not have roots and bars, so it can effectively deal with this problem at home.
Causes of corns
Corn is a painful (but not always) thickening of the skin, which occurs on the toes and heels. They are small in size (unlike corns) and are rounded and shape. Calluses are divided into wet and dry. Wet antibacterial solutions must be treated since they receive the blood and fluid accumulates, which is the result of tissue injury. Treatment is dry calluses - laborious and lengthy exercise, so in this case it is recommended to use the pharmacy tool.
Treatment of calluses and corns
At the pharmacy, there is a huge choice of means to remove calluses, it is difficult to list all the names, but all of the active ingredient of the drug are similar. The most favorite component protivomozolnyh drugs - salicylic acid. Purchase salicylic ointment, or other creams containing this component. Benzoic and salicylic acids have softening and keratolytic action. Such ointments and creams should be used with caution, avoiding contact with the soft and healthy skin. Before applying the steam out legs in the bath with the addition of antibacterial apple cider vinegar and tea tree oil.
In place of callosities or corn paste patch cut a hole to the damaged area of skin left uncovered. Apply healing ointment, and on top - the second layer of plaster, which closes the corn. Leave the ointment patch on the skin 6-8 hours. After that, a little softened cornea gently scrape with a pumice stone or a brush (you can apply foot scrub). Periodically, repeat the procedure until the complete disappearance of calluses and corns.
The most common, simple and effective tool for removing corns and calluses - soap-soda baths, which should be done regularly. To do this, mix two teaspoons of baking soda with one tablespoon shredded soap, pour a liter of hot water. Lower basin in your legs and keep for 30-40 minutes. Then scrape the softened skin with a pumice stone and dry feet. Apply nourishing cream. In painful blisters in the tub, add a small amount of potassium permanganate and sodium chloride. Lower the legs into the container for 20 minutes and wipe the pain will pass quickly.
Often used to treat corns juice celandine. Miss 300 grams of celandine through a meat grinder and squeeze the resulting mass. Drain the juice into a container made of dark glass, cover with a lid and let it ferment for seven days (periodically open the lid and release the gas). Fivefold lubricate corn juice celandine every two or three minutes. Break is necessary in order to juice could be absorbed into the skin.
Take 100 grams of onion peel and sloite in a glass jar, pour 50 ml of vinegar and cover. Insisted that it cure for two weeks at room temperature. Then remove the husks from the jar and allow to drain from her bite, husks dry. At night, apply to corns or calluses dried skin of a few millimeters. Lubricate the skin around the Vaseline and bandage. In the morning remove the wrap and steam out legs, scrape the corn. Depending on the result, you can repeat the procedure again.