Causes of Stretch Marks
In most cases, stretch marks appear due to hormonal imbalance in the body. The reason for violations can be harsh physical changes. For example, in adolescence, when a girl becomes a woman.
This is a period of rapid change, the ovaries and adrenal glands, trying to "keep up" with the body, begin hormone twice as much as usual. Another reason for the increase in hormone levels may be pregnant.
The woman changed hormonal cycle, changing the structure of the skin, the shape of the abdomen, thighs, breasts.
It is known that collagen and elastin - substances that make our skin always looks beautiful and healthy. They contribute to its elasticity, slow down the aging process, improve skin elasticity.
If there are violations of the synthesis of these substances, the skin becomes vulnerable and easily traumatized. During pregnancy, the growth of the stomach leads to stretching not only the muscles and fascia of the anterior abdominal wall and skin.
She just does not have time to change, which is why there are problem areas and. Stretch marks on the skin are also susceptible to people who gain weight rapidly.
Pregnancy and streamers
When a woman is ready to become a mother, it is natural that the mammary glands increases. After all, a child's life depends precisely on nutrition. But because of hormonal disorders skin in some places, namely, in the chest, thighs, abdomen, buttocks, thins. Appear stretching the skin, which is quite natural in such a situation, the other question - unsightly.
Disease as the cause of stretch marks
Anxiety should cause stretch marks that do not appear due to hormonal fluctuations in the body. The cause may be a disease such as Cushing's syndrome, in which disrupted the adrenal glands.
Increased secretion of hormones may indicate a tumor. Also, with the advent of stretch marks associated effects on the endocrine system. In such situations, it is best to consult a doctor.
As the body fights against stretch marks
Our body is so constituted that in certain situations it can cope with the problem itself. Stretch marks are not the exception, appeared intradermal break them quickly eliminated via the connective tissue, which is full of blood vessels.
Therefore, the first line of pink stretch marks, but after a while they become whitish. Since connective tissue has no pigment formed scar on a woman's body is never covered by a tan and can not paint creams.
A few rules to combat stretch marks
Which is better, to prevent stretch marks, or try to get rid of existing? Most would agree that prevention is better: why bring the situation to the extreme?
There are a few rules that will help you protect your skin from stretch marks.
1. Watch your weight
Due to sharp increase and decrease in body weight and the skin is injured there is a risk of stretch marks.
2. Adjust your diet
In your daily diet in the first place should be fruits and vegetables supply the body carotenoids, vitamins, minerals and other nutrients. You also can not forget the proteins necessary for the synthesis of collagen and elastin. But on the sweets and flour food is better not to remember or use them in small quantities.
3. Exercise
Choose a sport direction and do not be lazy. For example, stretching - a set of stretching exercises muscles. Start small and gradually increase the load. The most optimum variant - to be engaged under the guidance of a coach.
9 months - not a problem
Even pregnant women can protect themselves from the stretch. By the above listed rules, you can add the application of a bandage. Choose the right bandage will help physician-gynecologist. Bondage there prenatal and postnatal.
It not only reduces the load on the spine of women, but also helps to maintain the correct shape of the abdomen, it does not droop. It is also necessary to apply moisturizers and special ointments.
Some doctors advise women to bedtime to moisturize the skin problem areas in the abdomen, thighs and breasts with the help of vegetable or olive oil.
Stretch marks on breasts
Chest is also subject to stretching. In postpartum women breast begin to rapidly increase in size after the second day. To skin is not damaged, pick yourself comfortable bra made from natural materials.
Do not forget about water procedures. Try every day to wash the chest water at room temperature, after which the well wipe its special terry mitten or a rough towel.
A good result has massage. For these purposes, there are different kinds of massagers. Listed set of procedures is not only the prevention of stretch marks, and cellulite.
Cosmetics against stretch marks
Cosmetics complement care of your skin. Today on sale there are special creams, rich nourishing, moisturizing agents, as well as elastin, collagen, hyaluronic acid and silicone.
Creating a protective film on the surface of the skin, cosmetics inhibit fluid loss and provide skin elasticity.
The most effective cream to combat stretch marks are made from natural substances and are full of collagen and elastin. They are not cheap, but the result of their application noticeable.
To date, such products releasedVichy (Vergetures), Biotherm (Biovergetures), Galenic (Specific Vergetures), Lierac (Photolastil) Gernetic, Phytomer (Pre Vergetures) et al.
Always remember - it is better to prevent stretch marks, as already existing very difficult to treat. And if you take their medication use all necessary means and methods.
Angelica Kuzmina