To delay the trip to the clinic of plastic surgery, should be given to the skin around the eyes attention. The fact that it is not in this place is the sebaceous glands, so it is prone to drying out and, consequently, rapid aging. This will help prevent moisturizers.
But if you have dry still worried about wrinkles appear, it's time to think about more serious methods of hydration and nutrition. This course mesotherapy and gilaurnovoy acid. The composition of selected cocktails for mesotherapy doctor cosmetologist individually for each client, depending on the problem. It may also be complexes of vitamins and plant extracts. Each case is different, so you can not claim the same composition, which is "stuck girlfriend and she is doing well."
Glauronovaya acid molecule binds and retains the water in the body. Up to 25 years, it produces special cells - fibroblasts. And after the number begins to decline. Therefore, there are phenomena such as thinning of the skin, it becomes pale and dull, wrinkles appear. Here come to the aid injected hyaluronic acid. Rejuvenation of the skin around the eyes does not occur immediately. Some require multiple sessions. Frequency and number of injections determines cosmetologist. It is recommended to undergo such procedures every six months.
A more radical method of skin rejuvenation around the eyes are injections of Botox or Dysport. By introducing a special skin toxin achieved paralysis of facial muscles. The skin is no longer reduced, respectively, new wrinkles to appear. And with proper care the old become less visible or disappear altogether. The result lasts from six to eight months.
In all of this we should not forget about the daily care. A good eye cream, mask, wearing sunglasses on the street in the summer - and your skin around your eyes will thank fresh and beautiful views.