Preparation of the skin for shaving
The first step is to soften the hair. Thoroughly moisten the skin with warm water - it moisturizes it and raise the soft hairs, resulting in the surface of the skin will be less traumatized.
From ordinary soap should be avoided because it dries the skin and irritate it even more. Purchase a special moisturizing shaving cream, which include aloe vera and other sedatives.
Also, bumpy skin, complicates the process, well reduce anti-acne medications or creams with benzoyl peroxide, which can be used on an ongoing basis.
After applying the cream, wait a few minutes until it is absorbed into the skin and loosen the top layer of the epidermis - so the procedure will take place with minimal harm.
The process of shaving
Always and everywhere shave exclusively from the top down - it minimizes irritation within the follicles of the skin. To relieve irritation after shaving, can also be applied to pre-treated areas special lotion that will reduce the redness and itching.
You can use 1 percent hydrocortisone, smeared shaved place immediately after shaving. But do not use this cream all the time, maximum once a week - otherwise your skin gets used to it and may even thinned.
Beauticians recommend to use both sexes gentle depilatory creams, but before using them no harm will be tested for allergies.
It is also desirable as often as possible to change the blade or disposable tools - blunt razor cause severe irritation after shaving because the skin in the process of hair removal is literally scraped off. Dispose of machines after three or four procedures and often change the blade.
Excellent solution can be electric, which spares the skin and does not cause irritation such as a simple one-time counterpart.