Special attention and care, facial skin requires that winter is adversely affected by low temperatures, and in the summer of UV rays and high temperatures. Steaming is part of a complex of salon treatments for skin, which performs professional cosmetologist with special medical and cosmetic products. No less effectiveness decoupling procedure, competently carried out at home. If the person has inflamed acne, dermatitis in acute vascular or "star", the procedure should be avoided.
Steaming can be done in different ways:
1. Before rasparivaniem necessary to wash off makeup, too dry skin need to apply a little cream. It should prepare an aqueous solution, add it into the essential oil - 1-2 drops or infusion filtered herbs arranged depending on the type of skin. For oily skin fit chamomile, calendula, or sage, will be useful for a dry pair of lime-colored, striped, rose petals or the same dosage of chamomile. Care must be taken during the procedure: wait a few minutes after water is poured into a special container, only after that sit leaning over the cup is not lower than 20 cm, and a head cover towel.
2. Face and infusion should be prepared in the same way. Need cotton cloth or small towel, which should hold in hot water, wring out and apply to face until it cools down. The number of repetitions depends on the type of skin from 3 to 5 times. For dry skin can be affected by steam for about 5 minutes, on a fat - 15.
After steaming should wash his face with warm water, rub herbal, oily skin can be rubbed lotion, wet and apply a nourishing cream or mask, the effect of which will be steaming after a particularly effective. You also need to avoid drafts, you can not go out in the cold periods of time, until the skin is cool, at least for 2 hours.