After the bath the skin on the heels considerably softened, so will not be difficult to remove her dead areas using pumice. Next, rinse feet with clean water and wipe with a towel. Put on your heels a little emollient cream for feet (better to do it right before bedtime, right in the bed).
To be effective, the mask can be applied to the skin heels. Soften soap and apply to your heels. Secure soap on foot cellophane on top of which should be put on a sock. Mask for five recommended before bedtime and remove in the morning. After waking up, wash your feet and rub with pumice. Then further rinse and wipe dry. The effect is not long to wait if exercise treatments for heels at least three times a week.
Experts also advise using onion poultice. Cut the onion rings scalded with boiling water. Then attach them to each heel of the foot and wrap in cellophane, put on socks and leave the wrap on all night. In the morning, remove the compress, treat heel with pumice and rinse. Then dry and lubricate the cream for the feet.
Equally popular bath with a decoction of sage, St. John's wort, aloe, calendula and other herbs that are in addition to mitigating the calloused skin areas, relieve swelling and heaviness in the legs.
If the skin on the heels retain moisture or cracks appeared in it, then apply the following means. Take one green apple, cut into 4 pieces and pour 1/2 cup of milk. Bring to boiling milk and pokipyatit for 5 minutes. Then cool the mix and apply liberally to the cracks, calluses or corns. Cover the treated areas of skin cotton cloth and put on socks. Leave the mask on for 40 minutes. Then wash your feet, wipe dry and grease moisturizing cream or treatment.