How to remove moles

How to remove moles
 Large moles, located in the open areas of the body, often look very unattractive. It is therefore understandable desire of man to get rid of ugly skin lesions. But the removal of moles should be taken seriously and carefully. Only qualified personnel may determine the type of birthmark and choose the best way to remove it.

In some cases, remove moles is necessary. For this purpose there are two main reasons:

 - The location of education in a place where it is exposed to constant injury clothes or shoes;
 - Any visual change in a mole, that is, its growth, discoloration, inflammation, ulceration or bleeding, these symptoms require a doctor's advice.

Prior to the surgery to remove any skin lesions should consult a dermatologist or onkodermatologa. After removal of the desirable histological examination of tissue excised. Separate removal of moles is absolutely contraindicated.

There are several methods for removing moles:

Laser removal - one of the most modern and effective methods. When using a laser thrombosis occurs small capillaries, which prevents metastasis and reduces blood loss. In addition, the procedure is painless, the skin recovers more quickly than after alternative procedures, and after removal of the remains almost invisible scar. The only negative - this service is not available everywhere because of the expensive laser equipment.

Electrocoagulation - also fairly common method. Birthmark on electric shocks. The procedure takes a few minutes after it are small inconspicuous scars. Cons - even under local anesthesia often have unpleasant feelings, moreover, remote this method can not produce a mole histology, as it just burns.

Surgical removal - mole excised within healthy tissues. This method is chosen in cases of suspected malignant degeneration. The operation is performed in hospitals oncology focus. After removal of the remains noticeable scar, but there is no place to aesthetics.

Cryoablation - a birthmark on the influence of liquid nitrogen. Ultra-low temperature causes deep freeze tissue in wound mole rejected. This is a very quick procedure, after which remains neat scar. In this case, the mole completely destroyed, leaving no possibility for histological examination.

Tags: skin mole removal method, neoplasm