Mask of blue cosmetic clay and oil of rosemary - effective "cream" of the spots from acne
To get rid of traces of acne, prepare the following cosmetic. Take 3-4 tablespoons blue clay, put it in a non-metallic container and add 5 drops of rosemary essential oil. Subsequently, the mixture supplement small amount of cool water, whereupon all thoroughly mix (there should be no lumps). The resulting mask of spots after acne, apply a thick layer evenly over cleansed face. Leave this "cream" until it dries, and then rinse with a mixture of warm water. This procedure is recommended once a day, and the result will be visible by the end of the first week. But the full course of "treatment" red spots from acne lasts a month, and sometimes longer.
Please note: this cosmetic mixture strongly whiten skin, so it should be applied evenly across the surface, otherwise the skin of the face will get ugly uneven color.
How to get rid of the stains on the face with the help of honey and cinnamon
The recipe of this wonderful means of spots after acne is as follows: Mix 1 tsp honey with 1 tsp cinnamon powder. Then the resulting mixture apply on skin with cosmetic defect and leave for 17-20 minutes. This procedure is recommended to do in a day. In addition, if the products you are allergic to bee, honey replace the white or green clay. In this case, the clay is mixed in equal proportions with cinnamon powder and the mixture was diluted with water to obtain the desired consistency.
This mask is not recommended for those who suffer from rosacea and other vascular diseases of the skin.
Mask of spots after acne tomatoes
Get rid of red spots and traces them to help tomato mask. For her, you will need a ripe tomato and 1 tablespoon potato starch. Mash the pulp of a tomato and mix it with starch slurry. Then apply the mixture evenly on the face and wash off after 3-5 minutes. This procedure is best done twice a day, the result will be visible after 3 days. But in order to achieve a lasting effect procedure should be repeated daily for a month.
Cucumber "cream" of the spots from acne
Mince or chop in a blender one cucumber, pre-clearing it from the skin. In cucumber mush, add the juice of ½ lemon and mix well. The prepared mixture should be applied to the skin and leave for 2-3 minutes, and then remove the pulp, wash and cover skin moisturizer.