Before the operation will need to pass the test. These include an interview with a psychologist. If you wish to sincerely and you are over the age of 16, and no contraindications, then prepare for surgery.
But first you need to choose a clinic. Learn the good forums, reviews see patients that have passed through it, take a look at their pictures. Be sure to pay attention to the experience of the doctor. It is unlikely that a doctor who does not have practice, you can make a chiseled nose. But also remember that the price does not always depend on the quality. In some clinics are not the capital cost can be several times lower, and the hands at the doctor - gold, unlike doctors promoted clinics.
Today in the clinic costs latest computer equipment, which will simulate the exact shape of the nose, which is best suited to your face. By the way, it is of two types: open and closed. When closed you will not lose anything scars, and if you can remove the effects of open fractures and other injuries. The operation itself lasts a few hours, depending on the complexity.
Rhinoplasty can correct the shape of the tip of the nose, septum and contour. In addition, you can narrow down your nose, change the wings and nose landing due to implants, or other actions, as well as to remove the bump and correct a deviated septum.
The final results of the operation, you will see only a year later. During this time the swelling subsides completely, and nose will take shape. Pre-determine the shape of the nose can be after 2 months, then goes up to 90% swollen. If the operation is carried out correctly, the scar should not.
If you do not want to change his appearance so drastically, then get your hands on a special make-up nose. Buy a professional mosaic correctors and brush. Correctors, usually consist of several shades of powder. With their help, you can visually carry out the correction of excessive length of the nose, remove the bump, reduce or increase it, etc. The main rule of the make-up - light shades give volume and visually reduce the dark. Vary the colors, use this method and you get a nice tip without the intervention of a doctor.
Another newfangled way to edit the shape of the nose - is collagen injections. They are not as expensive as the operation and relatively safe. In addition, unlike the operation result is held not life, and within a few months or years. Then filler dissolves. This is a plus because you can safely return to the previous form of the nose, in the event that the operation results you do not like.
Also, there is another way to quickly, painlessly and safely change the nose. This is to take photos from a professional photographer and ask him to modify your little nose in Photoshop. Then you will be able to shine beautiful photos in which you have the perfect nose.