How do I remove a bruise quickly

How do I remove a bruise quickly
 One awkward movement can cause bruising. Not so hurt when he is localized on the body, because nobody sees it. If the "accident" case you have a bruise on the most prominent place, immediately proceed to its elimination.  
 Apply a cold compress to the area of ​​injury. It should be done very quickly, otherwise it makes no sense. As a compress can use any product from the freezer, wrapped in a towel. If the hematoma has already appeared, then apply a cold is not necessary.

When the redness come down, and an expression of the outlines of a bruise, it starts warming up. Suitable heating pad or even a yellow card. Warming held several times a day for 10-15 minutes, so you will achieve the desired results much faster.

Put on the area of ​​hematoma mint toothpaste without abrasive particles. Hold a few minutes and rinse well with your skin with warm water. Do not keep the paste too long, especially in delicate areas (under the eyes, on the inside of the hands), or see redness or burn. If there is discomfort, lubricate the skin nourishing cream any.

Iodine also promotes the resorption of hematomas. Make iodine mesh with a cotton swab before bed. Fully paint bruise is not necessary. After a couple of days, the color of the hematoma will be much lighter, and then did come down.

Buy a special cream from bruises. It is sold in pharmacies. If you can not find it, it is suitable ointment for the treatment of hemorrhoids. Apply it to the bruise 3-4 times a day. Ointment helps very quickly, it can help to achieve the complete disappearance of the hematoma is literally in 2-3 days.

During treatment bruise take a daily vitamin K and folic acid. But in any case require a certain period of time to bruise dissolved. It depends on the individual.

If you urgently need to go to work or on a date, the mask hematoma corrector, foundation and make the appropriate makeup. Then the existence of a bruise nobody knows.

Tags: means a bruise, hematoma