Honey Body Mask
Honey - is a popular folk remedy for skin care face and body. Masks of honey a beneficial effect on the skin, perfectly absorbed and do not cause any allergic reactions or irritations on the skin. Honey can be used in pure form. To do this, after a bath or shower, lubricate the skin with liquid honey and a massage pat for 5-7 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
Prepare honey mask, which will help get rid of cellulite manifestations: Mix 2 tablespoons liquid honey and 2 egg yolks. Apply this mixture on the problem areas of the skin and leave for 20 minutes, then rinse with warm water.
After 2-3 such procedures, your skin will be soft, soft and smooth.
Coffee Body Mask
Coffee (coffee grounds) - a great cleansing and toning product for the body skin. Means for body care, which include coffee, can make the skin fresh, vigorous and resilient.
Mix cream and coffee in the ratio of 2: 1 and add 1 tsp olive oil. The resulting mass-heat on a water bath for 5 minutes. Apply on skin and rinse off after 10 minutes. Thanks to this procedure, your volumes will decrease, and the skin becomes soft.
By the way, olive oil is an excellent tool for the care of very dry body skin, nourishes it, improves blood circulation in the subcutaneous tissues and stimulates intercellular exchange reactions.
Body mask of clay
The main properties of cosmetic clay is the breakdown of fat clots, preventing and getting rid of the "orange peel" on the body, derived from tissue fluid and toxins.
Nourishing body mask of clay is prepared as follows: 150 g of powder white or blue clay mixed with 50 g of liquid honey, add a little warm water. Mixture for 15 minutes, apply on the skin after, take a shower.
Honey can substitute dried herbs: chamomile, sage, lime blossom and mint. But then keep a mask for at least 30 minutes.
Chocolate body mask
In 500 ml of hot water dissolve 2 tbsp. cocoa. The resulting mass is put on the body, turn around and leave cling film for 1 hour, then rinse with warm water. This mask - a great folk remedy for body care.