There is also a good tonic, which should wipe your face every day before going to bed. To make it, you will need to propolis tincture and salicylic alcohol. Take equal amounts of these two ingredients, mix them and add the crushed pill "Tihopola" and again mix. Tonic should be kept in a cool place. Try as much as possible to prepare fresh remedy. And remember that the tonic of salicyl alcohol dries the skin much so that after each use, use a fat cream.
Quite effective and lotions are. Particularly effective is the remedy for oily skin with severe acne. For the preparation of liquid lotions take 200 ml of warm boiled water and add 20 drops of tincture of calendula, 10 drops of tincture of propolis and a little honey. Thoroughly mix all the ingredients, and then soak in the prepared liquid clean cheesecloth and place the cloth on the affected area.
Very useful as a tonic and on the basis of eucalyptus and propolis tincture. To make it dissolve in a glass of boiled water a teaspoon of honey, the same amount of tincture of eucalyptus and 15 drops of tincture of propolis. Wipe the skin in such a tonic twice a day.
Remember that treatment will result only if you are performing the procedure on a regular basis.