When the skin is thirsty

 According to statistics, dry your skin feel about 70% of women. That's just what they have in mind: the lack of fat and moisture? Here there is some confusion. After all, if dry skin tests, mainly the lack of nutrients and fat lubrication, the dehydration - a sign of lack of moisture, which is with the amount of fat is absolutely not connected. Cosmetologists say that dehydration of suffering in this or that period of life almost every woman with absolutely any type of skin.

What are the reasons?

Due to lack of moisture in the skin, there is a huge amount. They may be associated with some internal "malfunctions" or changes in the body, as well as external factors. Here are just some of them.

• Dry air indoors. Usually it is too dry due to air conditioners and heaters that happens both in the office and at home. Incidentally, the optimal solution of the problem - it is not expensive creams and humidifier.

• Errors in skin care. Errors leading to dehydration of the skin, there is quite a lot. Firstly, the cleansing of the skin with aggressive means such as soaps and scrubs and passion for all kinds of peelings.

Owners of oily skin often deprived of its natural moisture due to the use of cosmetic products with a high alcohol content and frequent use of active "dries" drugs (especially if they are applied not only in inflamed areas, but also to the entire face).

Dries the skin and the constant use of low-quality cheap tonal resources.

• Unhealthy lifestyle. These include violation of sleep, stress, vitamin deficiency and various unbalanced diet.

• Pregnancy. Probably there is no woman that would during pregnancy did not complain of dry and dehydrated skin. And blame hormonal changes that occur in the female body.

This leads on the one hand, to lower the fat content of the skin, and on the other - it starts more sensitive to any external stimuli. And even if you pre-pregnancy from dehydrated skin is absolutely not suffered - now you just can not do without moisturizers!

How do moisturizers?

There exists three variants. Some seek to bring water into the skin from the environment, others are trying to evenly redistribute the moisture that it already has, and still others provide building materials for the "fix" the natural hydro-lipid barrier.
The most popular active components moisturizers - a ceramide, polysaccharides, glycerol, hyaluronic acid, liposomes, panthenol, plant extracts and seaweed.

In addition, virtually any moisturizing formulation (except gels) typically contain a certain amount of fat (vegetable oil, various waxes), which are formed on the thin film surface of the skin, preventing moisture evaporation.

If the skin is dehydrated very much - you should pay attention not only to creams, but also in the more concentrated means, for example, intensely moisturizing serum and mask.

Moisturizers: what's new?

Recent scientific advances and capricious fashion cosmetic directly related and moisturizers. All this not only leads to a marked increase in the range of creams, but also in a fully new products which are no less efficient rescue lack of moisture from the skin. Here are the main trends that are relevant today and await us in the near future.

All natural!

Women with suspicion relating to any chemistry certainly appreciate that now the most fashionable area - it is cosmetics based on natural ingredients, with a minimum of preservatives, fragrances and dyes.

Moisturizers, in varying degrees, relevant to this trend can be found in brands such as Sisley, Decleor, Thalgo, Weleda, Lush, The Body Shop, L \ 'Occitane, E. Coudray, or Annick Goutal.

Why among them there is no Russian brand? Alas, the majority of domestic resources are natural - it's more a marketing ploy than the truth. What really natural and thus safe cosmetics can be cheaper - an absolute myth.

 And if on a jar of cream for 70-80 rubles argues that it is 100% natural product, its manufacturer fool you. So much can cost a cheap cosmetics based on chemical ingredients, and not expensive, perfectly purified natural extracts.

And even if a certain amount of natural components in this cream is, the quality of their treatment certainly leaves much to be desired.

Well-being Cosmetics

The most accurate definition of the least fashionable now directions - cosmetics wellness. Strictly speaking, well-being - is not only and not so much makeup as a lifestyle.

Indeed, in our time, the beauty is no longer a purely aesthetic category and is perceived through the prism of feelings, sensations and emotions. Due to this, in fact, appeared well-being cosmetics. And although it is not the producers promise of a significant treatment effect, but they guarantee the maximum pleasure from its use thanks to a pleasant smell (the effect of aromatherapy), comfortable texture, etc.

But on the other hand, from the moisturizer we usually do not expect something extraordinary! But in harmony, pleasure and well-being needs to absolutely any woman.

By the way, in regard of bath or body - this trend is developing long and successful, and not only among brands class "luxury", but also among the mass and economy.

But in cosmetics for face well-being technology came later and until such funds can only be found in pharmacies, professional or selective brands such as, for example, Decleor and Darphin, as well as many of the listed just above the list of natural cosmetics.

Moisturizing plus ...

If supporters of the previous trends promise us not so much magnificent effect as pleasure, then the opposite is true. The main thing - with the help of a single means as efficiently as possible to solve several problems at once, and sometimes quite serious. That is parallel to the skin moisturizing cream, for example, can relieve irritation, provide easy lifting effect, remove shine, improve complexion, etc.

But more often than "incidental" task of such funds is to prevent aging. And because in a cream to moisturize the skin even very young are increasingly added ingredients that fight wrinkles. Of course, they are different from those that can be found in the media for mature women: there are increasingly being used more "innocent" ingredients, such as active plant extracts and bio-complexes.

And finally, a real hit of the year - another kind of moisturizers category "2in1": this is creams and lotions, while providing the skin with moisture and give it a light tan.

Almost all of these funds can now be found in brands of different levels - from sold in supermarkets to the most expensive.

Perfect tone

Continuation of previous trends - creams with moisturizing effect. Because they combine the care and toning, there is no need to put them under the day cream.

For the modern woman such savings time (and money too!) - A real find. Especially because these moisturizing creams, often have more immediate lifting effect.

The beginning of this trend put selective brand, but now you can find good money and class brands "mass market."

Beauty at once

Another way to save time, but at the same time and place in a bag - moisturizing cosmetics in disposable packaging. As a rule, these are small capsules or microscopic plastic boxes containing exactly one dose of cream.

Manufacturers of such cosmetics include it in the category of on-the-go, that is, the means that can be used on the go. This is perfect for the office, if applied in the morning moisturizer on your skin all day is not enough.

In addition, the lightweight disposable packaging is very convenient to travel and make it possible not to drag a heavy jar.

While this trend is only growing, and similar tools found only in the most expensive brands.

Water instead of cream

But who said that moisturize the skin is possible only with the help of a cream? Estheticians are convinced that an excellent way to care for dehydrated skin is the thermal water in a spray (eg, Vichi, Avene or Uriage).

It was sprayed at a distance of 25-30 cm from the face as often as necessary skin. The only limitation - do not use sprays in the winter before going out.

Another variant of this "liquid" care - it numerous moisturizing lotions and tonics, which now have very many brands of different levels. Of course, they do not provide the long-term moisturizing creams, but it does not only feed the skin moisture, and purified it from dust and of drying the skin of mineral salts contained in the tap water.

Start by cleansing

Remember that even the most expensive moisturizer will do nothing if you make mistakes when cleaning the skin. By the way, the tap water - this is not the best option. But if you're still used to this conventional method, choose to wash only that do not contain soap. Remember that soap and alcohol deprive the skin of such a precious moisture. The optimal choice - a set consisting of milk and alcohol-free tonic.

Note: winter!

In winter, dehydrated skin needs special protection. Firstly, the cold surface is narrowed vessels in the skin, and as a result its power will be compromised. Secondly, reduced perspiration and sebum, which leads to dehydration.

Especially harmful to skin a constant alternation of cold and warm air that constantly occurs in winter: the house - street - subway or warm car - street - office and so on. The more sudden changes in temperature occur, the worse the consequences might be.
That is why, in spite of the persistent bias in the winter can and should use moisturizers. There's a trick: they should not be applied directly before going out, and for 30-40 minutes.

Otherwise, the water contained in the cream will begin to evaporate and further cools the skin, and moreover, at a negative temperature moisture particles may simply freeze.

If put the cream for 40 minutes before you can not - leave intensive moisturizing procedure for the evening and in the morning limit your good foundation.

Where and what to buy?

Of course, some simple moisturizer can be found in the supermarket. And if you are young, specific skin problems you not- quite possible to do such a product class "mass market."

However, if you want a real and lasting effect - for better wetting agents not to save. The optimal option in terms of the ratio "price - quality - safety" - a drugstore brand, for example, Avene, Lierac, Galenic, Ducray, Bioderma, Klorane, Uriage, La Roche-Posay, Vichy, Korff, Caudalie, Darphin and Roc.

There are many women for whom the main image is in cosmetics. If you are ready for buying a moisturizer to pay not only for research and development and quality, but also for a big name, expensive packaging and multi-million dollar advertising budgets brand - choose something from cosmetics class "luxury", for example, Clarans, Estee Lauder, Chanel, or Christian Dior.

If you are used to approach the care of a professional - ask your beautician in the salon you recommend any appropriate professional moisturizers.

Tags: skin