What is the face contour

What is the face contour
 Women of all ages pay much attention to their appearance, try to keep the youth and freshness of the face, provide skin proper care. But whatever may be the high-quality cosmetics, time and the environment in any way leave their imprint in the form of wrinkles, edema, loss of skin elasticity.
 One hesitates to lie on the table of the surgeon to tighten oval face, or do, such as blepharoplasty (eyelid). Such operations are, firstly, performed under general anesthesia, and secondly, they require careful preparation and recovery period can drag on for months. Moreover, the final result can be seen after full healing of joints, depending on the type of plastics, six months - years.

For people who are used to getting all the desired "here and now", there is another opportunity to correct their appearance - contour plastic. An hour spent in the office of a cosmetologist, you can get rid of the hated wrinkles, change the shape of the lips, give them extra volume, slightly correct the shape of the nose, cheekbones and chin. With the help of specially designed injection cocktails can look younger for several years in just 2-3 sessions at the beautician.

All modern fillers (injections) are based on hyaluronic acid, a natural component of skin is responsible for hydration and elasticity. These drugs are safe, they do not migrate through them easily introduced to simulate gel, besides, almost all of them within the body has fully displayed.

The best-known drugs for skin rejuvenation are Restylane, Perlaine, Juvederm, Surgiderm. Enter the "injection of Beauty" special microneedles, which make it easy to deliver medication directly into the wrinkle or fold of skin.

Restylane is able to eliminate the shallow wrinkles in the forehead, around the eyes and lips. Immediately after the introduction of the skin look young, refreshed and healthy. Sustained effect of Restylane is maintained 8-12 months, after which time the injections must be repeated.

Perlaine has been specially designed to deal with deep wrinkles. It is more viscous consistency and thus dissolves slowly re-introduction is not required for up to two years. With it you can remove wrinkles, correct oval face, make a small plastic forehead, cheeks and chin, as well as to increase or change the shape of the lips.

Of all injectables Juvederm has the highest concentration of hyaluronic acid. This is an excellent tool for lip augmentation, wrinkle fillers, nasolabial folds, blepharoplasty, face contour correction.

Surgiderm is the plastic filler, most often it is used for plastics mature skin. With it, you can correct the asymmetry of the face, sensual restore plumpness of the lips, give the face a more youthful appearance.

In that case, if the result is not satisfied with the contouring of the patient, there are two options: to carry out additional procedures (podkalyvanie drugs) to achieve the desired result, or accelerate the elimination of the drug skin by using enzymes.

Tags: face, beauty, injection, plastic filler