The benefits and dangers of deodorants

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 In a recent interview with Brad Pitt admitted that he abandoned in favor of a deodorant ... vinegar! And taught him that Angelina Jolie, the first Hollywood beauty and, according to Pitt, champion of a healthy lifestyle. Maybe everyone else after Hollywood stars think about whether you want to deodorants in life?
 Recently deodorants cause more criticism from academic researchers. It turns out that the much-loved antiperspirants contain aluminum powder and parabens. Aluminum compounds are dangerous because they can be absorbed through the skin and accumulate in the tissues of the breast. After some time, this process can cause the appearance of a malignant tumor. Organic acids, parabens suspected of causing skin aging and also may be involved in the formation of breast cancer. Although these substances are absorbed and locally - in the region of the armpit, the bloodstream some of them spreads throughout the body. Some pregnant women for fear of damage to the fetus such harmful substances prefer to renounce the use of deodorants. What can we say about the nursing moms! In addition, deodorants, antiperspirants, scoring in the sweat glands can cause blockage and inflammation. People prone to allergic reactions, are often faced with a rash provoked deodorants. And expressed criticism about ozone-depleting properties deodorant sprays.

Meanwhile, the practical use of deodorants that they very effectively cope with the problem of sweating and body odor. Few people want to sweat, for example, during the working day or an important meeting. Everyone knows that sweating is accompanied by an unpleasant odor, wet circles under the arms, which vysohnuv leave on the light yellow stains clothes. And with the filing of advertising campaigns the same deodorant sweat began to be perceived as something indecent.

In that case, thinking about your health, you have decided to abandon the use of deodorants, but you want to smell good all day, take into service the following tips:

- Take a shower 2 times a day;
- More access to the sauna and gym. Since then the body cleans, so the more you sweat, the smell of your sweat less;
- Nutritional avoid spicy condiments, prefer vegetarian food;
- Use vinegar as Brad Pitt (dining 7-9% or apple). Bacteria that cause unpleasant odor, die in acidic medium. Proven and very effective means;
- Use essential oils like Cleopatra (vinegar can be used after pre-rinsing armpits clean water and a towel promaknuv);
- From sweating well help burnt alum (available at pharmacies). It is a safe tool, derived from natural minerals, which, moreover, is very cheap;
- And finally, dress for the weather.

Tags: benefits, sweat, deodorant, harm, Pitt, Brad