Means to care for young skin

Means to care for young skin
 At the age of 20 to 25 years caring for young skin is of particular importance. Since from its literacy depends first time appearance of wrinkles and other age-related skin changes. To ensure complete skin care, you should pay attention to the following Skin Care.

1. Cleansing

Cleanser must be chosen according to skin type. If the skin is oily and prone to clogging of pores, it is better to use gel or foam with salicylic acid. Is suitable cleanser and normal skin.

Dry skin is young, too, is but infrequently. To prevent dryness and flaking skin a better wash by using the cream on the basis of having a calming effect. Often such products contain plant extracts, for example, cotton or green tea.

Blunder is to use soap because it dries any skin, including fat.

2. Exfoliate

In his youth, the skin is updated quickly enough, but help in getting rid of dead skin cells will not be superfluous. It is important to observe moderation and do not use scrubs and peels too often. Oily skin enough to peel 2 times a week, dry - 1 time per week.

By the way, if you have acne in no case can not use abrasive peeling, as they aggravate the skin condition. The optimal solution in this case - the use of peeling with fruit acids.

Instead abrasive peeling peels can be used with lactic acid. They do not cause irritation even in the presence of inflammation, suitable for all skin types, improve skin tone and improve the complexion.

3. Toning

Tonics and lotions are needed to remove residue from the skin cosmetics and skin preparation for the application of the cream.

For oily and prone to clogging of skin pores suitable tonics and lotions, antiseptic effect and regulate sebum secretion. For example, with calendula extract, witch hazel or tea tree essential oil.

Normal skin can use any toner or lotion containing softening and toning supplements. For example, a complex of vitamins or extract of rose petals.

When dry and easily irritated skin should be applied lotions and tonics containing soothing additives. For example, chamomile extract, allantoin and aloe vera.

Tonics and lotions containing larger proportions of the alcohol, it is not desirable to use in any type of skin. Dry and normal skin they desiccate and oily skin make more greasy.

4. Moisturize

Young skin of any type need to dampen preferably, but not food. Therefore, regardless of whether the skin is dry or oily, it is necessary to use a moisturizer. The best choice is a cream with a light texture: gels, creams, gels, fluids, etc. If concerned about excessive greasiness of the skin, you can pick up the cream with a matte effect.

Of course, we can not forget about the care of the skin around the eyes. Again, it is desirable to give preference to funds with a light moisturizing texture.

It should be borne in mind that the use of anti-age creams aged 20-25 years is harmful and leads to the opposite effect - premature aging. Therefore, cosmetics for young skin does not contain anti-aging ingredients: the skin they simply do not need.

5. Additional care

A couple of times a week is useful to look after young skin further, that is, make a mask. You can buy ready-made masks are designed specifically for young skin and make them yourself.

Very effective and useful for young skin mask based on clay. White clay is suitable to any skin type, blue and green clay - oily and problematic skin, red - dry and irritated skin. Clay can be simply diluted with water, and can be mixed with lemon juice (if skin is oily) or with honey (if the skin is dry).

Tags: leather, tool, young, care, cosmetics