Lipofilling: surgery, anesthesia, recovery and possible complications

Lipofilling: surgery, anesthesia, recovery and possible complications
 Lipofilling is one of the main areas of aesthetic surgery. With it, a woman can expect not only to increase the breast, but also to correct the flaws in her figure.

More recently, there was one opportunity, through which it was possible to increase the breast - Breast Implants. It used silicone implants. Although many women are endoprostheses are very wary, because they do not want in your body the presence of anything foreign. Now, all patients can not only dream of a beautiful bust, but also to have it. A modern technique for breast augmentation involves subcutaneous transplantation own fat. And give each time more and more stunning results.

In our time, rapidly increasing demand for lipofilling. With it, the girls have the opportunity to get a beautiful body shape. Even after twenty years disagreements plastic surgeons of the American Association nevertheless acknowledged that this method can be used to correct breast and does not affect the health of their patients.

Lipofilling mammoplasty is a good alternative, since rejection does not occur after the operation is taken as excess adipose tissue which can then be used in the adjusting area.

The positive result of this operation will depend directly on the quality of the transplanted fat cells and, of course, the professionalism of physicians. Usually transplant fat taken from the area of ​​hips, abdomen, knees. Also lipofilling can be used for the correction of wrinkles express in areas such as the forehead, cheeks. For lipofilinga age period is between 25-55 years, and after, unfortunately, it has little rezultativen and need more effective measures.

When such an operation can be used as local anesthesia and general anesthesia. During the rehabilitation of the patient does not need a special post-operative care, and therefore it is not required for a long visit to the hospital.

Do not forget about some of the complications that may occur after surgery. This persistent pain, the lack of sensitivity of the operated area, as well as fever.

Tags: complication, operation, rehabilitation, Lipofilling, anesthesia