How to make your skin darker

How to make your skin darker
 Ultraviolet rays have a negative impact on the skin. They accelerate the aging process and can lead to skin cancer. In addition to all kinds of cosmetics to create a tan suit and some traditional methods.
 Make the skin darker, almost without making any effort to help the sun's rays or solarium. However, if it is the middle of winter, and go to the solarium do not have time, then you can resort to folk remedies. All of the following methods must be performed regularly. However, chocolate color, you will not get, but will not "white toadstool."

For those who have light skin color, suitable masks of natural coffee or cocoa. Take the required amount of ground coffee or cocoa and dilute with hot water to make a thick mass. Then apply the mixture on the entire body or just certain areas. After 15 minutes, rinse with water without using a washcloth and soap.

If you need to darken the skin, then wash yourself every morning, strong black tea, chamomile or succession. Take the 7 Art. l. dry grass loose (not in bags), pour 1 liter of boiling water, cover and after 2 hours, strain.

Make the skin dark tan or extend help to the usual carrots. To do this, rub and apply it on the body. Can also be a fresh carrot juice add a little olive oil and rub them the whole body. After 20 minutes, wash off all the water and put on your skin moisturizing lotion or cream. Light skin of carrots can be yellow, so the mask with this vegetable is better to use in case if you have a dark skin color.

Rhubarb root also helps make the skin darker, but it will have to be used more frequently than other means, 2 times a day. Therefore it is better to use it for the face.

Cook the rhubarb root juice or broth. Mix 1 tbsp. l. dried roots and 1 cup water, bring to a boil weight, cook over low heat for 20 minutes and stir constantly. Then strain and wait until it becomes warm. Wipe the skin obtained broth or squeezed juice and wash after 15 minutes and spread body moisturizing lotion, as rhubarb dry skin.

Tags: skin color