How to get rid of the wide pores

How to get rid of the wide pores
 Enlarged pores appear on the face of the fact that the sebaceous glands are intensively run. This process is not pleasant because it promotes the growth of bacteria and the appearance of inflammatory processes. Therefore it is necessary to narrow pores.
 No one denies that at the genetic level to make it impossible, but with the help of cosmetic procedures can be reduced visually, as well as a bit mask. To do this regularly and thoroughly for skin care, especially T-zone, in which the pores expanded more than other areas of the face.

Proper care of dilated pores includes several procedures and consists of several stages.


People with wide pores is recommended instead of soap to use foams and gels for washing and running water to replace carbonated mineral. Trace elements included in its composition, contribute to the restoration of mineral balance of the skin, and the bubbles make micro and improve the complexion. This procedure should be done every morning and take care of that water for washing was cool. In the evening, it is desirable to use a cleansing lotion for oily skin or wipe face with camphor or salicylic alcohol.


After each cleansing need to refresh it. To do this, it is advisable to wipe tonic.


In the morning, having passed the first two steps for the care of enlarged pores, you need to put on your skin cream, in which the low-fat ingredients. And in the evening (at night), it is desirable to use a night cream, applying a thin layer.

Comply with such an order skin care products you need on a daily basis. But other than that requires extra care. As for cleansing, then you need to make weekly exfoliating facial scrub using. This facial cleansing helps clean the pores, but in this context it should be remembered some caveats. For example, the peeling can not be abused, and do it often - it will lead to malfunction of the sebaceous glands, and also due to the fact that it is partially damage the skin, it is advisable not to go after the procedure on the street, and even better to do it before bedtime.

If we talk about food, it would be useful to replace the usual tea herbal and natural - it is a beneficial impact on the condition of the skin. A weekly application of masks with the content of hydrogen peroxide, egg whites and yeast will help to narrow the wide pores and nourish the skin with essential elements.

Tags: skin, face, it's time, care