How to care for the bikini area

How to care for the bikini area
 With the advent of swimsuits, more like tiny triangles sets, the need of special care area bikini. Salons began offering new procedures, and manufacturers - to produce a new line of cosmetics for intimate areas. But you need to care for themselves regardless of the season, at any time to feel confident and sexy.
 Care intimate zone begins with hygiene procedures. They need to carry out daily, and in the summer - several times a day. For washing, use special tools, since they do not contain perfume additives that can cause allergies.

The most important difficulty in caring for the bikini area is the removal of excess hair. The problem is that the skin at this point is extremely delicate and sensitive, prone to diaper rash and irritation. Need to remove the hairs so that there was a smooth surface with no red spots of inflammation.

The most common way - is shaving. The method is also the most expensive, but has certain disadvantages. If you hurry, you may have cuts and rubbed sore from contact with the steel skin. After removal of the hair appears on the following day and, moreover, they become more stringent.

The machine should be used only high-quality, preferably designed specifically for women. Disposable razors quickly lose their sharpness and may scratch. Pick a gel or foam for sensitive skin, this will reduce the irritation and moisturize delicate plot. If there is no suitable means, and hair must be removed immediately, suitable for air conditioning of the head.

To get rid of unwanted vegetation for a long time, do waxing. True, this method does not stand all the girls, because the procedure is quite painful. The rate of hair growth in all individual, but usually do waxing every 1-2 months.

Very easy to use depilatory creams, but to find one that is designed specifically for the intimate area, it is difficult. And use the standard tool is not recommended, because its composition is quite aggressive and cause severe irritation.

Laser hair removal can help lose unwanted hair in the bikini area forever. But this method also has its own disadvantage. Hair follicles are completely destroyed, and the skin of this can become dry and wrinkled.

Intimate haircut is best done in the cabin, but it is an expensive procedure, and offer it to all institutions. You can try to build a hairstyle at home. You will need to do a sharp razor, cosmetic pencil and trimmer. Draw for the start of a simple geometric shape or silhouette. Shorten the hair trimmer, with a razor to remove excess vegetation outside the pencil line.

Tags: area, bikini, care