How do hair removal bikini

How do hair removal bikini
 There are several ways epilation bikini. In general, they are divided in the available cabin and home treatments. Also important to consider is how long the effect you want to achieve, how high your pain threshold and whether you have problems with blood vessels. The golden mean - shugaring aka sugar, caramel or Persian waxing. You can do it yourself home of the products that exactly there for any kitchen. He does not require any special equipment or skills, and the temperature "paste" will be the best for you, because you do check her fingertips.

How do hair removal bikini

Squeeze and filter the lemon juice, mix it with sugar and water in a suitable heating container.


On the stove. Put the mixture on the minimum fire and keep an eye on her, stirring regularly. First, the sugar has dissolved, then the syrup starts to bubble and then change color from a light yellow to dark color of buckwheat honey. When you see a distinct smell of caramel - the mixture should be shut down.
For microwave. Place the bowl in the oven for 5-7 minutes over medium heat. Remove and stir quickly. Return to microwave for another minute 3. Ready mixture should have the same color and smell, as described above.


Put the resulting mixture into a handy container with a lid. This must be done in order to "paste" is not cooled, and you have time to soak or wash the dishes, which were prepared.


Give 'paste' cool slightly. Remember that you need to take her hands, so be careful! Take a small ball, a little less than the size of a ping-pong table and start to knead by hand. Correct knead lump striped, stripes add and knead again. As a result, "paste" should turn white to shades of vanilla ice cream and fresh cream plasticity buy toffees. If the "paste" very sticky - it's too hot, if, on the contrary, is not in any warming up - it supercooled you. In the first case, wait a minute and continue, in the second - add a little hot water.


"Paste", which reached the desired consistency, roll into a ball and begin to spread, roll against the hairline. Pull - in the opposite direction.

Pay attention

The most successful caramel hair removal bikini held with hair length 3-4 mm.

Shugaring procedure is completely natural and is ideal for allergy sufferers.

Just sugar hair removal is good as prevention "ingrown hairs" - in fact, together with the sugar and weight you remove dead skin cells.

The effect of caramel hair removal bikini holding not less than 14 days.

Useful Tips

Sugar hair removal "ball" is more suitable for deep bikini line, but you can try shugaring this area and use the strips. To this mixture is cooled to body temperature, applied with a spatula (you can take it from depilatory cream) and overlaid on top of an ordinary strip of cotton fabric, give a little dry and pull sharply.
Pieces of "caramel", remaining on the skin, easily washed off with warm water.

Tags: hair removal, bikini, shugaring