Enlarged pores: purification, restriction, moisturizing

 Skin prone to fat, gives a lot of trouble to their owners. If a greasy shine more or less successfully cope matting creams and masks, then expanded, dark, too noticeable pores can be very difficult to hide. Because of their skin looks "stabbed" and resembles a dull orange peel. But this problem is solved. Women's magazine JustLady reveals the secrets of daily care, to help your face shine beauty.

In category Beauty: bangs (photo)


Clean, as we know, the key to health and skin with enlarged pores, it is doubly important. If you look at these pores at high magnification, the sight brought enormous wells, brim full of nasty dark substance consisting of sebum, street dirt, sweat and makeup residue. Frees the skin from these "deposits" just need to keep to breed bacteria.

Help in this:

gel cleanser with exfoliant (Skrabovye particles). Applied 2-3 times a week, these funds are perfectly remove excess sebum, dead cells of the skin and other items that clog the pores and skin surface.

Council: Can not get involved in scrubs too frequent exfoliation "will confuse" the sebaceous glands, they will start working in emergency mode and the result will be the opposite. In addition, the massaging motion when applying the gel should be light and delicate, the skin was not injured.

masks for deep cleansing (E.g., kaolin), preferably unpairing action. Within a few minutes they dissolve dirt in the pores to make them less visible, and the skin - fresh.

Council:  Applying such masks, focuses on areas where pores are most visible (the "T-zone" - the forehead, nose, chin), and problem-free skin use to a minimum. Make such a mask 1-2 times a week after cleansing.

Narrowing of pores

Once the pores are cleaned, be sure to from "close" - for this is the tonic. For example, on the basis of pink or cornflower water extract of aloe vera or tea tree (an excellent option for those suffering from acne).

Council:  If the finished cosmetic tonic seems too "aggressive" (oily skin can be very sensitive), then wipe the face with a slice of cucumber - its juice is also excellent pores and makes your skin silky smooth.

Astringent and soothing effect provides a decoction or infusion of sage, calendula, chamomile or St. John's wort. Horsetail and lime - well soften.


Dehydrated oily skin - A sad spectacle. Therefore moisturizer necessarily have to be in your arsenal of beauty. It is desirable that in its composition were vitamins, sunscreen and tailored specifically for oily skin complexes herbal extracts.

Council:  Of course, the humectant should be bold. Choose a light, melting, gelatinous texture. Before their application is required to clean the skin, or a vital moisture just did not make its way to the cells of the epidermis through a layer of dust and grease.

Salon treatment

Microdermabrasion, laser resurfacing, can significantly reduce the pores. The treatment stimulates the production of collagen, so skin looks more youthful, smooth and well-groomed.

Council:  The problem with large pores often goes together with other "charms" oily skin - pimples and rashes on the skin. If only one good care does not help normalize the sebaceous glands, the specialist beautician apply a must.

Another tip: Procedures themselves do not assign. Coming to the beautician, do not say, "I want to do something and then some." It is better to ask for advise: a good beautician is available to explain the essence of your problem and the solutions. So you can determine the level of his professionalism and choose any of the proposed procedures.

Makeup Secrets

Big mistake - to overdo it with the amount of tonal resources and its density. Applied a thick layer on the "porous" surface it does not mask, and emphasizes the imperfections. Therefore, after cleansing and toning the skin, apply a little moisturizing cream matting and align the complexion as thin layer of foundation. Can and do restrict crumbly powder.

Council  : When applying tone, as little as possible to touch the face, do not rub or stretch the skin. Cosmetic sponge - your best assistant. He absorbs excess sebum and subtle, almost imperceptible layer cause "Tonalka" to ensure a smooth complexion. But also remove small particles of skin if it is shelled.

Another tip: Try not to do all the procedures - cleansing, toning, moisturizing and makeup - very quickly one after the other. Tonic immediately after washing - this is normal, but after that the skin should be given 15 minutes to "calm". Then you can start to moisturize. After another 10 minutes - to deliver a tone and the rest of the makeup.

Love Petrukhina

Tags: scarf, mask, cleansing, spring, narrowing, alignment, moisturizing