Effect of tanning the skin

Effect of tanning the skin
 Beautiful skin bronzing is the dream of many women. Fashion on the tan appeared at the turn of the twentieth century and is still relevant. To look better and better women seek a nice tan, visiting a solarium.
 Due to the emergence of the ozone hole in the atmosphere rapidly growing number of cancer. Therefore, women who are concerned not only for its beauty but also health, natural rays prefer solarium. But here, physicians were divided: some believe that it is no less harmful, while others believe that a tan in the solarium can even be useful.

Opponents solarium believe that when exposed to ultraviolet rays skin becomes thicker, and melanin, resulting in newly formed cells and protects the ultraviolet radiation type A gives it a brown color. However, type B rays penetrate deep into the skin and destroy collagen and elastin fibers. Because of this, the skin becomes wrinkled, sagging, dry and prone to pigmentation. In addition, the skin reacts to frequent exposure photodermatitis procedures and hyperpigmentation, which are difficult to treat, and sometimes not amenable to cure. UV suffering and skin of the lips, which is unable to produce melanin. Therefore, it requires special care.

Doctors believe that people who frequent solarium, at risk of getting skin cancer. Especially this risk is increased in people with fair skin. The reason for the large number of skin cancer, according to WHO, is artificial tanning equipment, which is so famous and popular in our time.

Supporters solarium believe that vitamin D, necessary for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus, is formed only in the skin when exposed to ultraviolet rays. In addition, with the help of tanning can get rid of winter depression that people suffer due to lack of sun.

One advantage of tanning is that the amount of ultraviolet rays can be controlled and dangerous rays type C there is generally no.

Visit a solarium or not - it's up to you. But before that you need to study carefully the rules and recommendations of the solarium.

Doctors recommend to visit a solarium no more than 50 times a year. After 30 years must be limited to one visit per week. Duration of treatment should be no more than 10-15 minutes.

Solarium is very harmful for the hair, so the procedure is necessary to put a cap on his head. Need to hide nipples and breasts and lips lubricated with a special balm or lipstick.

Please note that UV rays can burn the retina of the eye, so it is necessary to use special glasses with UV coating.

Before visiting the solarium is not recommended for water treatment, and after - use scrubs, alcohol-based lotions and creams. After tanning is necessary to drink more because it dehydrates the skin.

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