Correction feet. Myths and Truths

Correction feet. Myths and Truths
 Over the past hundred years, the standards of female beauty have changed greatly. And today in fashion slender, long-legged girls increasing from 175 cm and above. However, tall and slender of the fair sex do not always have perfect form legs. How, then, to solve the problem, as well as eliminate the need to wear a maxi skirt already bored and heels?

Leg lengthening is a rather complicated and traumatic procedure. As with any form of surgery, there can be serious complications: thrombosis, infection, bleeding. Possible improper fusion of bones, sometimes there are inflammatory processes directly into the bone. That is why the patient should know how dangerous this operation, as well as to be prepared for a thorough implementation of all recommendations of the doctor and the duration of treatment. One important condition is to find an effective treatment in hospital under constant medical supervision.

The problem of asymmetry shins solved by surgery on one leg. It is only if the patient has one leg is curved. As a rule, it is possible to restore the natural shape of the foot, as well as eliminate the asymmetry. However, in most cases, cosmetic deformations are due to improper bone growth (dysplasia) and appear immediately on both feet. This situation requires an operation on two legs.

In this case, if the curvature of the legs a little, it can be repaired with special exercises. But this process takes time, a lot of effort and patience. In the most significant deformation recommended implants. Also possible to use a method osteotomy - an operation that consists in the fact that the surgeon cuts the bone in several areas below the knee joint, and then it inserts a special needles. That is, the damaged bone in a certain fixed metal structure (Ilizarov apparatus), and thereafter gradually straightened. Such an apparatus must be worn for several months, sometimes up to a year. After this operation are sufficiently deep scars that require correction.

There is another operation arthroplasty. In this case, the prosthesis is introduced to correct the tibia through a small incision made in the popliteal fossa. After surgery, the scar remains in length 4-4, 5 cm, which is located in the natural skin folds.

Tags: leg, however, elongation, correction, myth