Contour Correction: Pros and Cons

Contour Correction: Pros and Cons
 This is not necessarily born beauty, attractiveness can be achieved by artificial means. One of the most popular trends in modern cosmetology - a contour plastic. You can use it to simulate or edit the contours of the face without surgery. Contour Correction helps to restore the natural beauty of the face or give the desired shape.  

In fact, contour is a collection of techniques that make it possible to get rid of skin defects. It is based on the introduction of fillers in problem areas.

The undeniable advantage contouring is the ability to change shape at its discretion face and lips, tighten the skin, remove wrinkles. One procedure lasts only about an hour. The maximum time of treatment - 60 minutes, depending on the complexity. The effect can be seen immediately after the procedure. General anesthesia is not required, removing the pain can be easily anesthetic cream for topical application. If you do not like the result, you can always tweak by adding a small amount of gel, or vice versa neutralize the gel with a special substance injected under the skin. All drugs used for correction does not cause allergic reactions. In addition, exposure of the preparation administered enhances oxygen metabolism and stabilization of hormone levels. There are no age limits. Does not require a recovery period.

Minus contouring can be considered the need for periodic support by injection. About every 6 months is required to conduct additional procedures. If you do not, the result will last about a year. The first few days after the procedure, the person will be swollen and reddish. Note, contour is not a panacea and can help only 70% of all calls to the beautician, in other cases, a plastic surgery. The cost of this procedure is quite high, so it can afford not everyone. Before and after the procedure for some time can not take anti-inflammatory drugs are contraindicated exposure to the sun. People with frequent eruptions on the face, irritation and herpes contour plastic is not recommended. Dramatically change the appearance impossible! Only correct and improve.

Tags: plastic, lack of dignity